Hey guys. Im starting my second cycle, im looking to cut and lose some bodyfat.(currently at 14.5% bodyfat weighing 217pounds)
week 1-10 test-E 600mg (monday,thursday shots)
week 1-10 tren-e 400mg (monday,thursday shots)
week 5-10 mast-E
im planning to run Adex EoD at 10drops(0.5mg) unless you guys think this is not needed…
I am currently in week 2 almost 3 of this cycle and feel slightly bloated even with 0.5mg of Adex EoD. I dont want the bloating to affect my cut(not sure if it will its just uncomfrtable) Ive already jumped up 5 pounds(wtf lol)
I eat 2100cal a day with cardio before breakfast and weights 6 days a week.
is there anyway to reduce the bloating feeling during my cut?
only my second cycle still learning as well. any info is appreciated.
Test e at 600mg bloats me like a balloon but get strong as hell… not what i would consider a cut cycle…
have u consideres the low test high tren method?
im 1 week into 700mg Tren and 200mg test and 40mg Dbol and have little to no bloating. already picked up some weight and waist and abs are still as defined or a bit more… i’m really digging this run.
[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
im 1 week into 700mg Tren and 200mg test and 40mg Dbol and have little to no bloating. already picked up some weight and waist and abs are still as defined or a bit more… i’m really digging this run.[/quote]
You will bloat on dbol, give it time.
Also there is no reason to not run high tren/low test. I haven’t heard of anybody having sides running high tren/low test, but I have heard plenty about people having sides running it the other way around. If you’ve read any thread here regarding tren you would have already picked this up.
leaner and heavier… this tren/dbol/test combo is sick.
i bloat up a little during the day but wake up much drier.
also i’m having night sweats and a little trouble staying asleep… i wake up and toss a bit then fall back to sleep pretty quickly.
i think the Tren E gives me sides while the last time i ran Ace i had none.