In a week I’ll be running this cycle to lower as much BF as possible
Here are my stats:
5’7 ft
15% BF
Week: 1-12: Test E 250mg
Week: 4-12: Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Week: 8-12: Var 100mg ED
Week: 2-12: adex. 5mgs eod
Clomid 100/100/50/50
hCG 500iu/500/500
Should I get caber to have on hand?
Also my main question is when I start the Tren Ace at week 4. What’s the best way to split the Test so it correlates with the EOD injections. Can I split the Test E dose of 250mg for EOD injections and how or what’s the best way to do it?
I would be tempted to run test p and tren a ed becuase Tren a is best pinned ed anyway.
If you decide to stick with test e it doesnt really matter if you pin it with the tren or not… You could do the test twice a week with a tren shot mixed in.
HCG should be ran on cycle… 250iu 3x per week.
Adex dosing is good. - It is good practice these days to rub Adex through pct with a taler down too.
Your PCT should be longer than 4 weeks. Try a lower dose SERM for 8 weeks.
Quite a mild cycle but test/tren is my favourite combo. Make sure your diet is on point with a good carb cycling plan to make the most of it.
Caber is good to have on hand. I personally never get any prolactin sides from tren and I dont know anyone who has experienced any. It doesnt seem to have the same prolactin sides as Deca, despite the 2 compounds both being 19nors. If you use the caber then 0.5mg 2x per week is a good max dose.
No, you need to be pinning tren a more freaquently… what im saying is of you need to do a test shot on the same day then just mix it in the same syringe…