Test E - My Last 4 Weeks AI & PCT

I just found this forum, and I am hoping you can advise me on my last 4 weeks of Test E. Needless to say, I wish I would have found the board sooner… I have been relying on what now seems to be some old school bro science from some friends of just keeping some AI on hand just in case… and not taking any during the cycle.

I am 6’ 9" 251 lbs and 43 years old. This is my first test run. I wanted to make sure Test E and I would get along well, and I love it… Outside of a bit of joint pain and ankle swelling, it has been completely positive.

I have been taking Test E 500mg a week for 6 weeks, and had planned on going 4 more. I also have an ample supply of Nolvadex, Aromasin, and Clomid.


  1. In your opinions, should I start taking one of the AIs this late in the cycle? If so, which and how much?
  2. Given my current supply, what would you suggest for PCT?
  3. I also just picked up Dbol today. Would adding that for the final 4 weeks be worth it? If so, How much?

Thank you in advance for your opinions!

obviously should have taken Aromasin since the beggining but cant change that now so yeah bring it in slowly, i think 12.5mg every second day.
Most people choose either one or the other Nolva or Clomid for pct, i do Nolva. Plenty of ways to do it from 20mgs a day for 4-5 weeks, to 40/40/20/20, i rather take less last time i did 120mg first day and 20mg every day after for like 30 days and was good.
Dbol you can if you want and keep it goind while the TestE clears ur system before PCT.

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