Test E and Dbol, Adex or Aromasin?

This is my first cycle of test e and dbol I’ve made my research but I’m having trouble on what to take during my cycle. Some websites say arimidex and other say aromasin. I don’t want gyno at all.

My cycle will be 500 mg once a week for 12 weeks
My dbol will be 30mg for 4 weeks. Some say to take it a bit longer for at least 6 to 8 weeks

PCT nolvadax 40/40/20/20

Anyone that has any tips or advice would be helpfull thanks :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Youll be fine with either. And your dbol looks good as is…your test will take over the 5th week.

Yea, the only thing I would probably change is the dbol dosage down to 20mg for your first time. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but there’s no need to take more than necessary.

Everything else looks fine. Classic stuff and smart. I like seeing lifters working the classics that work and staying away from jumping into the exotic stuff too early. Smart man!

Really ? I received alot of crap for my PCT , saying that it wasn’t enough that it was terrible. Right not on taking my 4th shot this Sunday. Did over eat alot so cutting back down on my calories. Ohh so I see I’m not even close to feeling the test e kick I see. So far I feel amazing with dbol and test e. The pip though , that’s the most painful thing I have had to deal with. Thanks for the responces though.

How far along are you? Hows it going? Is it everything you thought it would be.

Well since I just read the posts , I started taking 40mg of dbol. And 500mg of test e.
3 weeks ago I shot on my quad. 4 days of pure PIP couldn’t do legs for shit.
Second week wife shot my delt , couldn’t do chest or back or even arms for 5 days.
Btw I take dbol in the morning and 5 hours after.
Pumps are brutal awesome.
Anyways , 3rd week which is this week. I decided to shoot my glute. I couldn’t reach so made my wife so it. Gotta be honest , I still had pip but it wasn’t as bad as quads or delts. I only hit 250 mg this week tommorow Which is saterday I will do 500mg so half on my left cute and the other half on my right glute. The shot tommorow will be week 4. So far good gains cutting back on my calories since I over did it on eating gained 30lbs in these past weeks.
I am not taking any A.i I don’t have any acne or gyno. I feel good just bloat and alot of sweat. But every thing is good so far. Oh one more thing I am taking a liver protector.