Test E/EQ Cycle

Hey guys.
I want to thank everyone that posts here ive been reading everything I can fit into my busy day. So here’s my situation.

I have a ton of questions to ask.

I’m a MMA practitioner. I trained Muay Thai for a long time along with boxing with the best in my area. I’m a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and compete in that sport as well when I can. My purpose for using AAS is for MMA so I figured its good you guys are aware. I’m looking to start fighting amateur and make my move this year. Here’s my current stats:

Age 24
Weight 152-161 lbs
Height 5’4
Bodyfat 8-11% depending on the time of year and if I’m between conpetition

Previous training experience
Tons if kettlebell work, standard MMA conditioning since I was 17, calisthenics spent a lot of time on that. I just started Jim Wendlers 5/3/1program and my strength numbers are this right now

177 lb 1 rep max bench
287 lb 1 rep max deadlift
140 lb 1 rep max press
Since my legs are already massive I’m starting the squats next week figured id give the rest of my body time to catch up lol

I’m new to weight training but I’m a vet when it comes to conditioning that was my thing but I’m looking to become more well rounded. I’m about to step up my training to a level I think I might not be able to keep up without some help. My schedule will be the following:
3x week of bjj
1x week of boxing
1x week of Muay Thai
4x week of weight training

As you can see this is brutal and it’s a painful week. Hence why I need some help and btw I’m doing this while working 50 hours a week. Welcome to the life!!
As far as my diet goes I keep it simple. Lots of Vitamin K greens, white rice in small portions, mostly red meat, I cook with coconut oil only and I try to balance out my diet with 40/30/30 approach. I’ve got weight loss down to a science so I know my dieting is pretty good, not perfect but better than 95% of fighters who aren’t told what to do all day.

Onto my cycle that I’m considering:

Weeks 1-12 Test E 250/week
Weeks 1-10 EQ 300mg/week
Letrozole .25 mg/day

40mg/day weeks 1&2
20mg/day weeks 3&4

Ok guys thanks for reading and please tell opinions or anything else you guys can help me with!!

Weeks 1-12 test E 500mg/week split 250mg mon/thurs
dont see the need in EQ personally.
letrozole id switch with adex 0.5mg eod

PCT nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/50/50/50

Id also do dianabol as a kickstart first 4 weeks between 35 and 50mg a day!

Ive done MMA for years aswell.
1st Dan in Wado Ryu Karate
3rd brown in my current MMA going for 1st Dan in November 2014
BJJ/Muay/Wrestling/Boxing (15years experience 5 sessions a week) my schedule looks similar to yours!!

Good luck in the future

Looks good. Guessing just looking for a little boost and better recovery. You might wanna bump the EQ a bit to 400 a week. But see how 300 works for you

Also id run the EQ a bit longer as well if you don’t mind extending your cycle a little longer

I’m assuming you want EQ to be doing most of the work. MMA guys seem to like EQ due to the increased rbc. I don’t think you need 500mg of test so I would keep it at 250 like you have it but bump the EQ to 400mg. I would also extend the cycle a bit since eq takes a while to work. Run the eq for 12 weeks and the test for 13. Start pct on week 15.

What are your goals?

[quote]HowGreatIAm wrote:
I’m assuming you want EQ to be doing most of the work. MMA guys seem to like EQ due to the increased rbc. I don’t think you need 500mg of test so I would keep it at 250 like you have it but bump the EQ to 400mg. I would also extend the cycle a bit since eq takes a while to work. Run the eq for 12 weeks and the test for 13. Start pct on week 15.

What are your goals?[/quote]
Great advice! Exactly what I was looking for. My goals are to make it threw training camp that’s priority #1 and sometimes the most difficult.
My goals for this cycle
-get my weight to float around 152 lbs while I keep bumping up my numbers in the 5/3/1
-I want to really boost up my cardio to levels it’s never reached
-develope more explosive power strikes that end fights
-maintain my fexibility
-keep making strides in my health overall

What are my possibilities of side effects in a cycle like this? Will I be ok with just Nolvadex or should I invest in some letro or arimidex?

I don’t see why having arimidex on hand is a bad thing :slight_smile: It’s good to have it just in case. Good luck with the cycle, IMO I’d say keep the test at 500mg/wk and the EQ at 400mg/wk. If you are going to use might as well get the most you can.

[quote]Diluted56 wrote:
I don’t see why having arimidex on hand is a bad thing :slight_smile: It’s good to have it just in case. Good luck with the cycle, IMO I’d say keep the test at 500mg/wk and the EQ at 400mg/wk. If you are going to use might as well get the most you can.[/quote]
That would def be an insane cycle that I would get great gains from but this is my first time using and kind of AAS that would be a bit much

I would run adex on cycle.

That’s not a huge cycle but if you’re looking to stay in a weight class 500mg test would be too much, it is possible though

[quote]BUDs wrote:
I would run adex on cycle.

That’s not a huge cycle but if you’re looking to stay in a weight class 500mg test would be too much, it is possible though[/quote]
Staying at a weight class is already a huge problem for me. I’m a thick guy I feel like I’m too big for bantamweight but far too small for featherweight. I’m hoping that AAS kinda helps me with this problem. I always thought I could make bantamweight easily til I went to a health fair and did a Bodyfat test. At 152 lbs I was at 8 percent body fat. I have practically no vascularity so that was a big suprise. I could def get better at cutting weight though that’s something I still struggle with it’ll be interesting to see how all this will effect that too