Test E Cycle for Compounds on Hand

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;‘)
He didn’t ask if it was ideal for him to run a cycle he asked how to do it proper also he already has the gear too he not considering it… He is going to be doing it your scare tactics won’t work on him. I think run cycle and come off when he is ready.
Hit the clomid 2 weeks after last pin 100/100/50/50.
Or if you want less sides run Nova instead for 40/40/20/20
Or just never come off and go to trt. For a blast and cruise. By age 35 your probably going to want to be on trt anways :’) only got 5 years to go.


My scare tactics? Im just stating facts. You however state bullshit here and everywhere else you post. Lets check our track records and let the people decide. You have literally zero knowlegde or experience of anything you give ‘advice’ to.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;‘)
He didn’t ask if it was ideal for him to run a cycle he asked how to do it proper also he already has the gear too he not considering it… He is going to be doing it your scare tactics won’t work on him. I think run cycle and come off when he is ready.
Hit the clomid 2 weeks after last pin 100/100/50/50.
Or if you want less sides run Nova instead for 40/40/20/20
Or just never come off and go to trt. For a blast and cruise. By age 35 your probably going to want to be on trt anways :’) only got 5 years to go.


Only got 5 years to go? What in the fuck are you even talking about? Please keep posting. Its just amusing at this point.

I dunno if your here to answer peoples questions or to just hate on everyone.
You may have knowledge from all these years but your wasting it on ripping people up who don’t know the answers, your a cyber bully in all honesty… Lol.

The dude wants to run acycle he thinks hes ready he may not be ready at least point him in the right direction.

He knows he fucked up, he’s owning it. He came for help and your beating him up.

Please use your experience and knowledge to help people in a profesional


We are talking about fucking steroids, not coloring inside the lines…

This is a serious decision, stop downplaying it as if it’s like popping a tylenol man. People get “bullied” on here because if you don’t know the basics of running a cycle you should stay clear of gear… How fucking hard is it to read about a serious life decision? I’m sure you would read about mortgages or about the type of car you want to buy… why wouldn’t you read about altering your body’s hormones?

Haha roid rage^^

1)Tell the dude how to do his cycle so he doesn’t fuck up.
If he fucks that up it his own fault after that then you can say you gave him your warning about what he is going to do and the info to do it properly.
But coming in and posting every beginners post saying there idea is so stupid doesn’t do anything good just don’t say anything because no one wants to here it…

P.s. Also more people die from tylenol then juice and is also responsible for more hospital visits then juice watch" faster stronger bigger"…

But I am done the guy has the info to run his cycle.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;')


dude, you’re a total cock.

You’ve been using steroids for like 5 minutes and now you’re the poster boy for the blast and cruise lifestyle?

GTFO with that advice. If you can’t see why it’s terrible advice then you’re such an idiot that there’d be no point in explaining.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Haha roid rage^^

1)Tell the dude how to do his cycle so he doesn’t fuck up.
If he fucks that up it his own fault after that then you can say you gave him your warning about what he is going to do and the info to do it properly.
But coming in and posting every beginners post saying there idea is so stupid doesn’t do anything good just don’t say anything because no one wants to here it…

P.s. Also more people die from tylenol then juice and is also responsible for more hospital visits then juice watch" faster stronger bigger"…

But I am done the guy has the info to run his cycle.[/quote]

Aren’t you the guy who just asked if you could “be on test all year round?”

If you’re so uneducated in the subject of AAS that you had to ask that, I don’t think you should be giving any advice.

Normally I would call out this fucktard for his bullshit, hopefully to dispense some tough love so he doesn’t fuck himself up in the long term, but from his post history, he’s not worth it.

And I doubt this OP or anyone else is dumb enough to let such a fool validate their decisions anyway.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
I dunno if your here to answer peoples questions or to just hate on everyone.
You may have knowledge from all these years but your wasting it on ripping people up who don’t know the answers, your a cyber bully in all honesty… Lol.

The dude wants to run acycle he thinks hes ready he may not be ready at least point him in the right direction.

He knows he fucked up, he’s owning it. He came for help and your beating him up.

Please use your experience and knowledge to help people in a profesional [/quote]

If you could fucking read youd see my first post to him i did exactly that. Im not a bully lmao but if you ask a dumbass question yeah youre gonna get a dumbass answer. Whatever i type out is what id say to your face. Not everyone deserves advice. But if you do youll get it. All the regular posters on this board have the same general understanding of that. Except you. If you dont like it go somewhere else. You have no business giving people advice because you have zero personal experience with anything. If someone asks how to be an annoying douchebag and post threads that no one cares about then yes, you may chime in because youre an expert.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Haha roid rage^^

1)Tell the dude how to do his cycle so he doesn’t fuck up.
If he fucks that up it his own fault after that then you can say you gave him your warning about what he is going to do and the info to do it properly.
But coming in and posting every beginners post saying there idea is so stupid doesn’t do anything good just don’t say anything because no one wants to here it…

P.s. Also more people die from tylenol then juice and is also responsible for more hospital visits then juice watch" faster stronger bigger"…

But I am done the guy has the info to run his cycle.[/quote]

Why would anyone advise someone that has no clue what they are doing to cycle?

thats just plain irresponsible

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;')


dude, you’re a total cock.

You’ve been using steroids for like 5 minutes and now you’re the poster boy for the blast and cruise lifestyle?

GTFO with that advice. If you can’t see why it’s terrible advice then you’re such an idiot that there’d be no point in explaining.[/quote]

Cmon yogi,

He watched bigger, stronger, faster. He’s an expert on this

[quote]BUDs wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;')


dude, you’re a total cock.

You’ve been using steroids for like 5 minutes and now you’re the poster boy for the blast and cruise lifestyle?

GTFO with that advice. If you can’t see why it’s terrible advice then you’re such an idiot that there’d be no point in explaining.[/quote]

Cmon yogi,

He watched bigger, stronger, faster. He’s an expert on this

Some people.

We get some stupid questions on this forum, I get that. I can even admit that my first ever thread on T-Nation I asked about an anavar only cycle. We all make mistakes.

But noobs recommending to other noobs that they should just fuck PCT and stay on forever is downright dangerous.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]BUDs wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Well lets put it this way. He can’t fuck up his pct if he never comes off ;')


dude, you’re a total cock.

You’ve been using steroids for like 5 minutes and now you’re the poster boy for the blast and cruise lifestyle?

GTFO with that advice. If you can’t see why it’s terrible advice then you’re such an idiot that there’d be no point in explaining.[/quote]

Cmon yogi,

He watched bigger, stronger, faster. He’s an expert on this

Some people.

We get some stupid questions on this forum, I get that. I can even admit that my first ever thread on T-Nation I asked about an anavar only cycle. We all make mistakes.

But noobs recommending to other noobs that they should just fuck PCT and stay on forever is downright dangerous.[/quote]

I agree

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Haha roid rage^^

1)Tell the dude how to do his cycle so he doesn’t fuck up.
If he fucks that up it his own fault after that then you can say you gave him your warning about what he is going to do and the info to do it properly.
But coming in and posting every beginners post saying there idea is so stupid doesn’t do anything good just don’t say anything because no one wants to here it…

P.s. Also more people die from tylenol then juice and is also responsible for more hospital visits then juice watch" faster stronger bigger"…

But I am done the guy has the info to run his cycle.[/quote]

Roid rage? Yeah, okay buddy.

  1. If he has no incentive to research and figure out the basics by himself what makes you think he has enough discipline to cycle?

I just do not understand why someone would not read up as much as possible about possibly altering/fucking up your hormones for life. How hard is it to RESEARCH?

Hey man. I gave him the info to make what ever decision he wants to make. Wether he wanted to stay on or come off he has the info now.
No need to blast people.
Look back when you first did your first cycle And how much knowledge you had and I am sure EVERYONE once wanted to know if they could just run gear all year lol…

I see forums as way for people to share there idea’s and not to get blasted just because there not as expeirneced… makes for a toxic experience. New people are not going to want to come to these forums to learn if all the answers are “your fucking idiot go research somewhere else”

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Hey man. I gave him the info to make what ever decision he wants to make. Wether he wanted to stay on or come off he has the info now.
No need to blast people.
Look back when you first did your first cycle And how much knowledge you had and I am sure EVERYONE once wanted to know if they could just run gear all year lol…

I see forums as way for people to share there idea’s and not to get blasted just because there not as expeirneced… makes for a toxic experience. New people are not going to want to come to these forums to learn if all the answers are “your fucking idiot go research somewhere else”


Youll understand when you inevitably fuck yourself up and wish you werent so fuckin stupid and realize taking steroids is not like taking protein powder.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Hey man. I gave him the info to make what ever decision he wants to make. Wether he wanted to stay on or come off he has the info now.
No need to blast people.
Look back when you first did your first cycle And how much knowledge you had and I am sure EVERYONE once wanted to know if they could just run gear all year lol…

I see forums as way for people to share there idea’s and not to get blasted just because there not as expeirneced… makes for a toxic experience. New people are not going to want to come to these forums to learn if all the answers are “your fucking idiot go research somewhere else”


No, you gave him the tiny amount of information your malformed brain is capable of retaining.

Sure, you’ve told him he can just stay on, but I notice you failed to mention that doing so will mean a lifetime of injections, side effects that will mean constantly having to have bloodwork done and the results interpreted and often having to be fixed with medications, which in turn have side effects of their own. You also missed out the part about how testosterone therapy can make it near impossible for people to have children, and if he wants to conceive he might have to do months of expensive and frustrating hCG/hMG therapy and clomid (which can also make some guys feel like hell, just by the way).

But no, instead you gave him the really helpful info about how he can just stay on.


Such omissions on your part is just as fucking bad as negligently giving out bad info.

But you wouldn’t understand that would you? Nope. You’re a stupid kid preoccupied with showing how smart you are and all the roiders here are dumb dumbs because you know how to google.

I doubt you would have the balls to type a single word if you were personally liable, criminally or civilly, for any harm suffered by someone as a result of following your advice.

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Hey man. I gave him the info to make what ever decision he wants to make. Wether he wanted to stay on or come off he has the info now.
No need to blast people.
Look back when you first did your first cycle And how much knowledge you had and I am sure EVERYONE once wanted to know if they could just run gear all year lol…

I see forums as way for people to share there idea’s and not to get blasted just because there not as expeirneced… makes for a toxic experience. New people are not going to want to come to these forums to learn if all the answers are “your fucking idiot go research somewhere else”


The only new people that get blasted are the ones that clearly have done the very minimum of research and think they are good to go. Or the ones that think with that little knowledge they are fine and then think they can dish out advice.

For me and probably for most of the regulars here knew quite a bit before cycling. I researched for close to 5 years before getting on. Reading everything I could about everything involved, how things would work once used and what they did in your body.

Unlike you who probably just googled “steroids cycle” and then read a couple threads and now you think you can just tell other people how to cycle.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]JayOsler wrote:
Hey man. I gave him the info to make what ever decision he wants to make. Wether he wanted to stay on or come off he has the info now.
No need to blast people.
Look back when you first did your first cycle And how much knowledge you had and I am sure EVERYONE once wanted to know if they could just run gear all year lol…

I see forums as way for people to share there idea’s and not to get blasted just because there not as expeirneced… makes for a toxic experience. New people are not going to want to come to these forums to learn if all the answers are “your fucking idiot go research somewhere else”


No, you gave him the tiny amount of information your malformed brain is capable of retaining.

Sure, you’ve told him he can just stay on, but I notice you failed to mention that doing so will mean a lifetime of injections, side effects that will mean constantly having to have bloodwork done and the results interpreted and often having to be fixed with medications, which in turn have side effects of their own. You also missed out the part about how testosterone therapy can make it near impossible for people to have children, and if he wants to conceive he might have to do months of expensive and frustrating hCG/hMG therapy and clomid (which can also make some guys feel like hell, just by the way).

But no, instead you gave him the really helpful info about how he can just stay on.

He’s currently on TRT anyways and HCG. I told him how to run his Proposed cycle (it is not a very complicated cycle by an stretch of the inagination).
Then gave him the info on how to continue or how to get off. TRT under his doctors supervison. (Which obv he had to get blood work for and would have to continue to monitor/bloodwork … Check ups). and told him how to come off with the clomid and hcg wether he wants to stay on or come off is up to him.

This man is good to go to make all kinds of gains. I am done here.