I’m 52 yrs old and I’m going to do 500 test e for 12 weeks and 40 winstrol for 8 weeks and hcg and arimidex during.
Should I taper at the end or stop completely or could I just go a TRT dose? I have pct at home and ready but I was thinking of just staying on TRT
If your running a 12 week cycle there is 0 reason to run HCG. All it’s gonna do is raise your estrogen. 12 weeks is not long enough for your balls to atrophy
There is no need to taper off. The esters will do it for you. If your gonna stay on TRT just drop down to that dose and your good. You can introduce some HCG 4-5 weeks after you lower your dose IF you need it.
If your gonna come off then start PCT 3 weeks after last pin and then once PCT is complete you can use HCG IF you need it.
At 52yo i wouldn’t bother with HCG unless your balls start to atrophy and it’s painful. I’ve been on TRT for years and ball shrank a little but no big deal. No pain.
Sorry for the intuition i have been on trt for a year and i just raise my dose from 75 mg to 150 to cycle and feel fine when i come off but have been thinking of doing more
Im 48
So…Winstrol is a very harsh chemical and is mostly used in very specific instances. What’s the purpose of including it in this cycle?
Agree @Friscokid and at 52 you don’t need harsh shit like Winstrol. Just run moderate Test or Test / Mast for older guys.
That depends on what your goals are, especially your goals post cycle. Blasting and cruising is pretty common these days.
I do lots of running and bike riding and I don’t want weight gain. I bought some t3 and clen but It gives me headaches and I don’t sleep well on it so I’ve only used it a couple times
Clen gives headache for the first few days if you start with 20mg for 7 days then 40 or 60 for a cupple of weeks then add from there up no more than 120 mg thw head probably will go in a couple of days your boady gets used too the substance so you have too keep adding as you cycle
Winstrol doesn’t match these goals very well
What would you recommend?
A simple test cycle is fine as long as you are healthy going in and plan of doing blood work. I’m not sure of the need for HCG and the Al should only be taken if needed and not prophylactically
I’m doing blood work on Friday and I am sceptical. I’ve been taking 250 test E for 4 weeks and don’t really notice anything. The test I received is maxtreme pharma and I’ve read some bad things on it.
So, this is where some people can get confused. They can confuse no negative side effects with bad gear. If done correctly you should not have side effects, and the good effects should be suttle. Be mindful that you have only been “ON” for 4 wks.
What’s all included in your bloodwork?
Testosterone, Total, Males (Adult) Only Most Popular
Save: 86.71%
Reproductive Hormones
3000 H
Mar 2025
Range: 250-827
Is this the only test you ordered? and is this ALL the results you received?
I’m going to have to make some assumptions here.
IF? your Total test is 3,000ng/dl
You now have over 3 times more testosterone than most high side ranges of most any testing lab.
This is exactly what you are looking for and this is why you don’t need to add any other harsh drugs into your cycle.
You should easily be able to accomplish your goal at this test level.
Now coming off cycle? At 52 yrs old Doctor assisted TRT may be the best route.
Thanks for the reply. I’m just glad the stuff I bought isn’t fake . I’m going to back my dosage off a little. I’ve been doing 250 test e . I skip 2 days and then pin . So 500 every 6 days. I think I’ll try skipping 3 days so 500 every 8 days
Do you think I will need the arimidex?