Hi im on the fifth week of a ten week course .at the mo im taking 2 jabs a week of 2ml deca and 1ml test, how long will it take to clear from my system before the sporting season . any advice would be much appreciated
You can enjoy 18 months of not pissing clear from the deca. It’s the longest lasting steroid for detection times, and I seriously can’t believe you didn’t read up before you started. From experience, I can also tell you that it will be affecting your sex drive and the restoration of your HPTA for many weeks after your last shot. Nothing looks better than deca on paper, and nothing sucks worse than trying to recover post cycle from deca in real life. It de-estrifies and re-estrifies too easily in your system and continues to bounce around and suppress you for what seems like an eternity after. I’ll never touch deca again… EQ only from now on.
deca and tested sports are the WORST idea ever. As stated metabolites of deca can show up well after one year from cessation of use.
well the thing was i was told 18 days …which now seems to be total crap…did you mean that sex drive drops after last shot??
Did you bother to do any research about what drugs you were putting into your body and how it could affect your life? Deca has a detection time of 18 months. I guess you didn’t wanna play this season, or next.
I’m affraid you jumped into things a little too soon without enough research. As already stated, the clearance time for decca is 18 months.
Cut the deca (it should be dropped before the test anyway) and get yourself tested on your own every few months. There are various tricks that may or may not have some small effect to speed the process, but the only way to know is to get yourself tested, under an assumed name of course. Expect to be out a while. Who is your sanctioning body, btw?
your hit , for at least 18 months.
“It de-estrifies and re-estrifies too easily in your system and continues to bounce around and suppress you for what seems like an eternity after.”
Really? I’ve heard it is very suppressive and makes HTPA recovery more difficult, and that it is indeed detected UP to 18 months later, but “de-estrifies and re-estrifies” too? You’re sure about that?
Looking at your username, i hope to hell you not MLB Players Rosters - Major League Baseball - ESPN
If so, i suggest changing your username asap.
Look on the bright side. At least you can relax and smoke some weed since you won’t be playing for a year and a half. On a serious note this would be a good test for the steroid cleanse.
[quote]maxx power wrote:
Looking at your username, i hope to hell you not MLB Players Rosters - Major League Baseball - ESPN
If so, i suggest changing your username asap.[/quote]
Great, he signed into T-Nation and asked about deca and it’s clearance. I’m pretty sure he’d get hammered for this one.
I’m really hoping that’s not him
[quote]maxx power wrote:
Looking at your username, i hope to hell you not MLB Players Rosters - Major League Baseball - ESPN
If so, i suggest changing your username asap.[/quote]
I’m assuming it’s a college kid. Different sanctioning bodies use different testing procedures which determine the level of fuckedness this person would face.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the 18+ months isn’t the average, but the “as long as” figure from all I’ve seen. If someone wanted to spend the time and money they could try a variety of methods which may or may not speed the excretion of hte product and submit to testing themselves to determine when adequate clearence has occured.
well im not that bloke anyway…no interest in baseball its almost as boring as cricket…im from europe anyway.
its hard not to know who to listen to because the guy that gave me the stuff was bodybuilding for years …and i reiterated numerous times previous to the initial jab about clearance time.,…which he said was 18 days.
pretty sickened considering ive been trainin my bollox off all pre season.
might have to carry around a bottle of clean piss in my pocket at all times !!!
[quote]E-man wrote:
Look on the bright side. At least you can relax and smoke some weed since you won’t be playing for a year and a half. On a serious note this would be a good test for the steroid cleanse.
what do you mean by it would be a good test??
[quote]seancaseo wrote:
E-man wrote:
Look on the bright side. At least you can relax and smoke some weed since you won’t be playing for a year and a half. On a serious note this would be a good test for the steroid cleanse.
what do you mean by it would be a good test??
meaning, a good time to give it a trial
well it has been pretty good . ive put on 10kgs in 1 month…
[quote]seancaseo wrote:
well it has been pretty good . ive put on 10kgs in 1 month…[/quote]
He means a trial on the steroid cleanse that was mentioned earlier
That stuff isn’t claimed to be effective for deca. Not that it isn’t at least worth a try in his situation though, finances permitting.
[quote]seancaseo wrote:
well im not that bloke anyway…no interest in baseball its almost as boring as cricket…im from europe anyway.
its hard not to know who to listen to because the guy that gave me the stuff was bodybuilding for years …and i reiterated numerous times previous to the initial jab about clearance time.,…which he said was 18 days.
pretty sickened considering ive been trainin my bollox off all pre season.
might have to carry around a bottle of clean piss in my pocket at all times !!![/quote]
Carrying the piss likely wouldn’t work. All credible testers, assuming they didn’t require you to piss in front of them, would at least check the temperature of the sample. Too cold and you’re busted.