Test Cypionate and Arimidex Expiration Dates?

Does Pharma Grade Testosterone Cypionate go bad? How long past the vial expiration date can it safely be used? Does it degrade in potency or does it become unsafe to use?

Does Pharma Grade Arimidex go bad? How long past the bottle expiration date can it safely be used? Does it degrade in potency or does it become unsafe to use? Does the same apply to compounded (compound pharmacy) Arimidex vs standard Arimidex?

I have been told by multiple pharmacists that you can easily go past one year on the expiration dates. Those dates are overly conservative.

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In my opinion it definitely does expire. I was using some cypionate that expired around 1/19/2019 about 3 months ago and I realized I was having trouble getting erections.

When I took my regular small dose of AI arimidex with a dropper about 1/80 of a mg which usually just kept me in balance it was really crashing my estrogen which it would never do.

I was so perplexed and started adding additional dosages to no avail. My cypionate was kept in a laptop bag in a truck so it was subject to frequent temperature swings which probably reduced it’s lifespan.

But from my experience I wouldn’t use anything that has gone past 6 months expiration date even if it was kept in a cool dry place. Now that i’m on non expired T I can feel everything slowly coming back, but it’s a real shot in the ass to crawl back and dial yourself in after using non effective test.

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