How Long Will Unopened Vial of Test Cyp Last?

Basically long story short I have a friend that is on TRT and he knows a guy that used to sell test but wants to stop so he is getting rid of what he has left which is like 40 vials and he is selling it for dirt cheap but my friend is concerned that the test will expire before he gets to use it all. At his dose and everything he thinks it will last him like 5 years.

What do you guys think would test stay good that long?

Sorry if this question isn’t allowed I didn’t really know where else to ask.

To clarify is he selling Pharma Test or UGL? I will check my pharma grade at home and see what the expiration is for reference.

I think it is UGL but it does have an expiration of 2022 but he thinks with the amount he is getting it might last longer than that. He just wanted me to ask if anyone knows if it’s ok to use past the expiration. I know I have read with most medications they are fine well past expiration but I can’t really find any info on test.

I think it can form crystals over time. They will cause PIP if you inject them. Some people heat it up to dissolve the crystals. Not sure how long it will last for sure though.

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My scripted pharma grade test is good for 18 months.

It’s good until the oil goes rancid. So many, many years. Pharma is usually not that long because pharmaceutical companies have laws to follow. UGL has no such constraints. If it expires in 2022 he’s got time. Hell, if it’s cheap enough then he can buy and toss whatever is unused several years from now. He’d probably still come out ahead.


How would you know if the oil was rancid? I would hate to inject something that was spoiled.

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You would likely smell it when you drew it out. It’s like any other food or organic matter. When it goes bad it’ll let you know.