I plan on if I can get my hands on it (been a drought in my circle since that wwe shit) doing a cycle as follows.
Test Cyp. 500 mg /week 12 weeks
Equipoise 400 mg /week 8 weeks
Winstrol 40 mg /day 8 weeks
I heard a while back you have to be off the EQ 4 weeks before running pct so I thought I would start running Deca 200 mg weeks 6-8 and then go to 400 mg weeks 8-12 with the test mainly because I have had an issue with my knee and ankle recently.
I was wandering though if I should run this a little different maybe run the deca straight through 12 weeks 200 mg for 6 weeks and then 400 the latter. And if I should stay on the winny the full 12. maybe shorten the cycle? I’m gonna pct with just clomid and I’m getting some nolva but never used a anti-estrogen so not sure exactly how. I haven’t done a cycle in about 5 years and then i was running straight test e or sust. for 8 weeks clomid pct. So if I could get a little critique or advice on the cycle I posted that would be great. Need some veteran advice here, thanks
I took a screenshot of your stats, in case this is a troll post. Are they accurate? Because if they are, you are by no means ready for AAS.

you mean the weighing 165-170 and my BMI ? I’ve always made sure I stayed between 170-185 but I fractured my 4th and 5th metatarsal in both my feet last year and haven’t been on it as hard as I would like. I’m sure I could get bigger and lower my bmi a little without them but my strength has plateaued on my upper body and I’m having a big problem rebuilding my legs. I can’t get past 315 on my bench for reps and as sad as it is I’m doing that on my squat it hurts to do more than 315 on my legs. I’ve been through physical therapy and was cleared to train again and started with 205 on my squat got to 315 since Jan 08 (my bmi is up mainly cause of lack of cardio , not so pleasant when I run) I just don’t want to get hooked on the pain killers and I’m plateauing on my chest back and shoulders no matter what I take how I train can’t get passed it. Oh I don’t know why and i apologize for confusion but I was thinking Body fat index not body mass index I guess cause I relate this to a BB forum but my BMI is around 22 last I checked ( couple weeks ago) I’ll change that. Just realized that after I posted the above