[quote]GILLONDON wrote:
That does make sense however I was pondering the idea because of the following reasons: 1)the purported ability of epistane to act as an anti-aromatase & 2) the manufacturer’s claim that epistane use leads to “dry” gains. Most users of epistane & like products appear to concur at least with the latter claim. Based on these claims, it seemed logical (at least to me) that epistane may add some kind of synergistic or additive benefit when combined with other, obviously more potent, compounds that are typically used for cutting.
I can tell from your response, that this is not the case. I appreciate you clarifying this. I’m especially concerned by your last statement:
“Note, while some sellers of it claim their compound is the Japanese pharmaceutical, it is not.”
Are you suggesting that this product is not what it claims to be (chemically speaking) or that it isn’t Japanese-derived? Confused.
If you want dry gains, then why not use Winstrol instead? Play it safe.
If it’s something that has to do with Epistane (Havoc) being cheap then its ok I guess. But still I’d prefer using Winstrol just to be using ‘THE pharmaceutical compound’.
My inquisition about stacking epistane is less about saving $ and more just mere curiosity. I do understand that pharm grade products are ALWAYS going to be more potent and have greater biological availability but my thought was what if by adding a small dose of epistane (say 20mg a day) to a stack of real-deal test and winny, we could reap some kind of added, albeit small gain while keeping estrogen further at bay?
[quote]GILLONDON wrote:
My inquisition about stacking epistane is less about saving $ and more just mere curiosity. I do understand that pharm grade products are ALWAYS going to be more potent and have greater biological availability but my thought was what if by adding a small dose of epistane (say 20mg a day) to a stack of real-deal test and winny, we could reap some kind of added, albeit small gain while keeping estrogen further at bay? [/quote]
Well uh, why not use some arimidex instead?
I get what you saying tough and this could turn out into an interesting debate…I don’t have a bloody idea tough, sorry mate.
I suggest not complicating things tough…run a standard laid out cycle and be safe. Test, winny, adex (if required) through the cycle and Clomid or Tamoxifen citrate or stasis as PCT…It’s a ‘bread and butter cycle’…why overcomplicate it? Why take risks?
But again, I’m getting what you saying.
[quote]GILLONDON wrote:
My inquisition about stacking epistane is less about saving $ and more just mere curiosity. I do understand that pharm grade products are ALWAYS going to be more potent and have greater biological availability but my thought was what if by adding a small dose of epistane (say 20mg a day) to a stack of real-deal test and winny, we could reap some kind of added, albeit small gain while keeping estrogen further at bay? [/quote]
Epistane will act as an anti e or AI (I forget what it claims to do in that regard) at high doses. 20mg/d is certainly not a high dose.
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Hey mofo ketchup on steak is good!!![/quote]
If you’re being serious, your palate is about as developed as an eight year old’s.
I know someone who has started a test prop / winny / epistane cycle. The following is the cycle layout along with the results thus far (@ start of third week)…
Week 1: 40 mg Epistane daily
Week 2: 40 mg Epistane / 2 divided doses of quad test (250 mg total)+ 50mg/50mg test prop/winny blend at end of week.
Week 3: 50/50 test&winny, (every other day) + 40 mg of epistane every other day (on days off of t&w).
Weeks 4&5 same as week 3.
Week 6-9 (or as needed) Nolvadex for PCT.
The intention of this cycle is to add size w/o excessive water retention. The cycle is purposely short due to concerns regarding liver toxicity (epistane & winny are methylated). Large amounts of liver supplements (milk thistle, NAC etc.) are also being used concurrently to address the liver issue.
At the start of week 3, the subject is currently at a weight of 216 lb’s (height of 6’1/bf 7-8%) & additionally, the subject is around 35 years of age with about 15 years of consistent, dedicated lifting under his belt).
Gains have been remarkably quick so far as the subject began this cycle at a weight of 208!
I’ll post the subject’s progress.