Test 400 PIP - Wow

I am currently a couple weeks into a test/primo cycle…or I guess you’d call it a primo/test cycle.
Primo 700mg/week - 2mL(200mg) injected EOD - weeks 1-14
Test Enanth 400mg/week - injection schedule is changing

42 yo, lifting 20+ years, running Smolov Jr for front squats and Juggernaut for everything else during cycle. If Smolov goes well, I will take a week off from front squats and repeat (and possibly again). Done several cycles of different types:
1 - really dumb 5 week sust/deca cycle, pyramided up (late 90s) to injecting 1000mg sust/600mg deca per week; no AI (don’t think those were around back then, just SERMs), no PCT, basically got lucky and recovered with no issue. Gained over 20 pounds which was probably all water, I’d have to look back through my notebooks to see how quickly I lost it all (yes, I still have all my lifting notebooks going back to 98/99)

2 - series of 2 on/4 off short cycles using a ‘cut blend’ (test p, mast p, tren a) at about 1000mg total per week. Saw some good results from those, also saw all the classic tren sides including noodle issues which self-corrected over time. Had to do an additional PCT about a month after the last short cycle (was only doing 2 week PCTs each time since each ‘cycle’ was only 2 weeks). Over the whole series (3-4, I forget), gained around 15 total pounds and kept probably 10.

3 - last proper cycle was 250mg test e/700mg primo per week run for 12 weeks. Only gained about 10-12 pounds on that, but saw a good comp shift. Went from that onto self-administered TRT dose, and kept the gains (and comp) from that cycle for well over a year before life got in the way.

4 - multiple tbol-only oral cycles (while on TRT)

So, saved up some cash and bought 10 vials of primo 100 from a certain UGL (same one I used last time). Wanted to up the test level for this one, so I also bought a vial of test 400 which was on a promo deal from my supplier (different lab, first time I’ve used them). Started the primo injections two weeks ago (this is week three of that), started raising my test levels last week using some test e (250 concentration) that I had left over in a vial.

Today was the first injection of the test 400 stuff, and Ho. Lee. Shit. The solid knot I have now in my left lat - I usually do my TRT injections in my lats using slin pins because they are such small amounts - hurts like a bitch. Started aching fairly quickly after the injection, which made me oh so happy because today was weighted pullups and overhead press. Felt it on the first few reps, but it definitely died down some after that. I can feel it now, though.

Did some googling a little while ago, and I probably should have done that before I bought this stuff. Apparently PIP from this is pretty common, regardless of lab. Makes sense, I was expecting ‘some’ soreness or discomfort due to the higher concentration of hormone. But I wasn’t quite expecting this level.

Tomorrow I’m due for a primo injection, so what I intend to do (was already thinking of doing it, then saw it recommended on other boards) is to mix the test 400 (0.5mL tomorrow, then 0.3mL EOD after that with each primo injection). Hoping the extra oil from the primo will help dilute and knock it down a little. Yes, I know primo is a higher molecular weight compound, but a boy can dream.

In other news, front squats (6 x6 @ 255) went great this morning, as did pullups/OHP this afternoon.

Have you considered getting some additional oil and blending it into the test 400? Like just regular gso, mix it, filter it, then pin a higher volume? That might be more complicated than you want to go, but the amount of solvent per ml is the issue, and the primo may or may not have some in it as well (though at 100mg/ml I would think not much, of any). Just a thought.

So .5mL mixed with 2mL primo did nothing to curb the PIP. Kind of expected that, I was already getting some very minor soreness with the primo alone. So now my left lat is visibly swollen (no discoloration, again - read this was normal), and my left glute (it was his turn) is as well. Feels really good too, like Crocop unloaded on my hip. Really fun to sit for a while (such as, when sitting in class for 4 hours) and then try to walk back to the truck without limping.

Actually just ordered some cottonseed oil, read it was a thinner oil than GSO so I should still be able to use my 23ga pins with no issue (don’t really know if it would have been an issue with GSO, just read somewhere it was a thicker oil and harder to push through 23s).

Probably won’t be here before next injection day. Yay me.

@boatguy why order oil you can just go to the grocery store and get?
Most important is dont forget to filter it with a sterile 0.22um filter into your vial.

Unfortunately you are one of the people who don’t react well to test 400. Some people have no problems. The issue is with the solvent Ethyl Oleate which allows higher concentrations of test /ml. It is causing the painful reaction, not the high concentration of testosterone per see, so cutting the test 400 with a safe oil won’t work. Even if it did it would be no different from injecting twice the amount of normal dose 200mg/ml test. Remember the EO that causes the problem is still in your steroid solution.

You need to buy some fresh 200 or 250mg/ml test. Make sure it doesn’t contain EO, as some underground labs use EO in normal solutions as well as high concentrations.

Alternatively you can filter/brew your own to ensure quality control.

The soreness in the left glute (primo/test injection site) has actually gone down considerably since yesterday - it’s now less painful than the lat is, and did not interfere with front squats or deadlifts at all today.

I get what you’re saying about EO, I think I’ve read something similar before. I’m kinda stuck with what I got for now (no cash to order more, I’m a broke college student right now :frowning: ), so we’ll see how it goes. Between cutting with the oil (once it gets here) and mixing with the primo, hoping that will bring it down enough that it’s a minor annoyance and nothing more.

In the future, though, I won’t be ordering this high of a concentration of test. Intention was to save a little cash and do a ‘1 vial’ test cycle…next time I’ll pony up and get two vials of 250.

So I finally got my sterile oil yesterday and cut the t400 1:1. Did my first injection mixing 0.6mL of that with 2mL primo. By the time I finished injecting and pulled the needle I was (still am) feeling a weird tickle in my throat when I take a deep breath, which sometimes triggers dry cough. Not sure what that’s about. On a positive note, I am feeling zero pip right now.