Thurs 2-16-17 Chest / Shoulders @ #teamaddingtonHQ
A1 - Flat Barbell Bench Press (w/shoulder saver) 5 x 6-12 (to lockout)
A2 - Band Face Pulls 5 x 12-20 (w/iso holds)
B1 - Cambered Bar Bench Press 5 x 5 (constant tension) (explosive)
B2 - Rear Delt DB Laterals 5 x 15
C1 - Banded DB Flyes 3 x 20 (stretch)
C2 - Wide Grip Bench Press w/Fat Gripz 3 x failure (stretch)
D1 - Bradford Press 3 x 12
D2 - Banded Barbell High Pulls 3 x 12
E1 - Barbell Curls x 57 reps (pump)
E2 - Cambered Bar JM Press x 51 reps (pump)
Friday 2-17-17 Legs (GVT) @ Apex Gym
*Still dealing with some serious back pain , have to train around it.
A1 - Lying Leg Curls 10 x 10
B1 - Belt Squats 10 x 10
C1 - St Leg Dl’s on Landmine 3 x 8
- Finished up by doing deep quad stretches on Sissy Squat bench.
2-18-2017 Saturday - Arms/Calves @ Apex Gym
Warm ups :pressdowns 2x20, DB curls 2x20
A1 -Crossbody preacher curls 4 x 10 (Fat Gripz)
B1 - Banded Dip Machine 4 x 8 (w/negatives)
C1 - EZ bar Preacher Curls 3x12
D1 - Banded JM Press 4 x 8 (NLCT)
E1 - Incline EZ Bar Ext’s 3 x 15 (stretch)
F1 - Alt DB Curls 3 x 8 (3 sec lower)
- Surprise fun time finishers…Using a lighter set of DB’s sit on the bench and perform each of the following movements in sequence, using same DB’s, each movement to failure. #1 - Hammer curls
#2 - DB curls
#3 - Tate Press
#4 - DB ext’s
Rest and repeat x2
G1 - Seated Calf Raise 4 x 10-30 (w/holds)
G2 - Tibialis Raises 4 x failure
2-20-2017 Monday… Off day - injured
Missed training today due to severe hip pain. Unable to even walk, much less train.
2-21 to 2-23-17 Tues - Thursday…Extreme hip pain continued all week . Unable to work, walk, train, nothing. 4 days totally lost due to this situation with my right hip.
2-24-2017 Friday - Chest & Shoulders @ Apex Gym
A1- DB presses on slight decline - 4x8
B2 - Floor Presses on Smith 5 x 1-5 (explosive) worked up to 315#
C1 - Incline DB Press (drop bench 3 times from steep incline to flat w/no rest between) 2 sets x 3 positions to failure at each
D1 - Pec Dec - 4 x 10-20 (including partials, iso holds, etc) … Stretch/pump
E1 - Incline rear delt EZ bar rows 3 x 15 w/iso holds
F1 - Rear Delt Mach - 3x15-20 (partials & drop sets)
Shoulder Complex Finisher Tri Set:
A1- Arnold Press to failure
A2 - DB side laterals to failure
A3 - Spider Crawls w/short red band
*repeat this circuit 2x
*Shoulders, especially rear delts were crushed after this workout.
2-25-2017 Saturday - Legs @ Apex Gym
A1 - Lying Leg Curls 3x12 (warm ups) then
4x6 (curl up using both legs, then use one leg to slowly lower. Alternate legs til failure.
B1 - Belt Squats - (3 ramp up sets, then) 4x5 working up to 225# w/last 2 sets off box
C1 - Glute Ham Raises - 4 x failure
D1 - Precor V-Squats (facing machine)
3x8-10 (working up to 495#)
E1 - Lying Leg Curl Iso Holds - 3 x 30sec (isometric hold until failure, approx 30 seconds, in 3 positions, top-middle-bottom)
F1 - Sissy Squats - 4 x failure (body weight only, constant tension )
2-26-2017 Sunday - Arms @ #teamaddington HQ
A1 - Band Pressdowns x 100 reps (green
mini band)
A2 - Band Hammer Curls x 100 reps (green
mini band)
B1 - Cambered Bar Close Grip Presses -
5 x 3-15 reps
B2 - Reverse Barbell Curl - 5 x 10-20 reps
C1 - Barbell Curls Tsunami style - 3 x 10
C2 - Cambered Bar Extensions - 3 x 10(no
lockout, constant tension)
C3 - Tate Press - 3 x failure (constant
D1 - Barbell Curls - 2 x failure
D2 - Cambered Bar Extensions Tsunami
style - 2 x failure (constant tension)
D3 - Tate Press - 2 x failure (constant
tension , pump)
2-27 to 3-3-2017 Strep/Pneumonia
Been a terrible week. Missed work everyday and been terribly sick. Strep throat and I think pneumonia as well. Very nasty productive cough, fever , terrible ear aches, sore throat and lost my voice. Started high dose antibiotics finally yesterday and hopefully on the mend but doubtful I will be training for the next day or two at least. Been forcing myself to eat a little but diet has been terrible, expect when I step on the scales to see at least 10 pounds lost this week. Praying next week will be better.
3-4-2017 Saturday - Arms & Calves @ Apex Gym
Machine Curls 2x20 (warm up)
Rope Pressdowns 2x20 (warm up)
A1 - Chin Ups - 3x6
A2 - Incline DB curls - 3x8-10
B1- Weighted Dips - 3x6
B2 - Pressdowns on Hammer Strength LatPull 3x10
C1 - KB Preacher Hammer/Zottman curl 3x8-10
C2 - Pin Press - 3x4-6
D1 - KB Bottoms Up Curls - 3x6
D2 - KB Decline Ext’s - 3x10-12
*Finishers DB Curls x 5
DB Hammers x 5
DB Cross Body Curls x5
* Drop DB’s, pick up a lighter set and repeat above.
Tate Press x 5
DB Ext's x 5
Kickbacks x5
* Drop DB's and pick up lighter set and repeat above.
E1 - Standing Calf Raise - 4 x 10-30 ( 10 second iso holds in bottom and top positions at end of each set)
F1 - Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 10-30
D2 - Tibia raises - 4 x 25-35
3-6-2017 Monday - Chest/Shoulders @ #teamaddingtonHQ
A1 - Bench Press w/shoulder saver 5x2-15
A2 - Band Face Pulls - green band 5x12
B1 - Wide Grip Flat Bench Press (slow eccentric, explode up, constant tension)
5 x 5-15
B2 - DB Side Laterals 5 x 12
C1 - Banded Stretch Push Ups 4 x failure
C2 - Barbell High Pulls (tsunami) 4 x 10
3-8-2017 Wednesday - Legs @ Apex Gym
A1- Leg Curls - warm up sets x 3
4x6 (1.5’s) *partials to complete failure on last set
B1- Belt Squats - 4x4 heavy then 1x drop down set with constant tension
C1- Strive Leg Press - 3 x 10 (constant tension all sets )
D1 - Leg Extensions - 2 x failure w/partials to failure then 2 x failure w/5 sec iso holds at top then partials to failure
E2 - DB St Leg DLs - 2 x 8
3-9-2017 Thursday - Back @ Apex Gym
A1 - V-handle Rows on Landmine 3x8-10
B2 - Meadows Rows 2x8
C1 - Deadlifts 3x10
D1 - Wide Grip Chins (on assist ) 4xfailure
E1 - DB Pullovers 3x6-10
3-11-17 Saturday - Arms @ Apex Gym
*Machine Curls 2x20 warm ups
*Rope pressdowns 2x20 warm ups
*Perform 3 work sets of each exercise at the prescribed rep range listed below.
A1 - Chin ups x 4-6 (bwx6 easy)
A2 - Incline Curls x 8-10
B1 - Weighted Dips x 5 (35#x6)
B2 - Pushdowns on dip machine x 12-20(failure)
C1 - KB Preacher Curls / Zottmans x 5-10
C2 - Pin Press x 3 (pin#7)225x6,245x5, 255x5
D1 - KB Bottoms Up Curls x 5-8
D2 - KB Decline Ext’s x 10-12
Finishers A1 - DB Curls x 5
A2 - Hammer Curls x 5
A3 - Cross Body Curls x 5
**Grab a lighter set of DB’s and repeat above
B1 - Tate Press x 5
B2 - Overhead DB Ext’s x5
B3 - DB Kickbacks x 5
**Grab a lighter set of DB’s and repeat above
3-16-2017 Thursday - Chest/Shoulders @Apex Gym
A1 - Flat DB Press 4x6-12
B1 - Rear Delt X on twin cables 3x8-12
C1 - Incline Bench on Smith 4x6 (constant tension)
D1 - Rear Delt Rows on twin cables 3x10 (isoholds)
E1 - Cable Side Laterals 3x8-10
F1 - DB Flyes on 30degree incline 3x12
3-18-2017 Saturday - Arms / Calves @ Apex Gym
Rope Pressdowns 2x20 (warm ups)
Cable Curls 2x20 (warm ups)
A1 - Chin Ups 3 x failure
A2 - Cable Curls 3 x 10-15
A3 - Standing Calf Raise 3 x 15-20
B1 - Dips 3 x failure
B2 - 4"Grenade Overhead Ext’s 3 x 10-15
B3 - Standing Calf Raise 3 x 10 w/isoholds
C1 - Calf Raise on V-Squat 3 x 10-20
D1 - DB Hammer Preacher Curls 3 x 6 (failure)
D2 - DB Preacher Curls 3 x failure
D3 - DB Triceps Extension 3 x 8 (failure)
3-22-2017 Wednesday - Back @ Apex Gym
Lat pulldowns 2x20 (warm ups)
A1 - Pull Ups (assizted) 4x8
B1 - Uni Lateral Supinated Pulldowns 4x10
B2 - Uni Lateral St Arm Pulldowns 4x10
C1 - Rope Low Seated Rows 4x10 (w/isoholds)
D1 - Standing Low Cable Rows 4x10 (w/isoholds)
E1 - 45 degree Back Raise 2x15
3-25-2017 Saturday - Arms @ Apex Gym
Machine Curls 2x20 (warm ups)
Machine Triceps 2x20 (warm ups)
A1 - Cable Curls w parallel grip (EFS Multibar)done in ascending/descending fashion x 2 sets
B1 - JM Press on Smith Machine 4x4-10
B2 - Band Overhead Ext’s 4xfail
C1 - Banded DB Spider Curl (drop set) x 3
D1 - Close Grip Bench w/shoulder saver 4x5-10
D2 - Tri’s on Hammer pulldown 4x8-20 (pump)
E1 - Decline Cable Ext’s 3 x failure
E2 - Zottman / Crossbody Curls 3 x failure
3-29-2017 Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders/Biceps/Abs @#teamaddingtonHQ
A1 - Bench Press w/shoulder saver 5x1-10 (pyramid up heavy for a single)
A2 - Band Face Pulls 6x15 (3 neutral, 3 pronated)
B1 - Banded Bench Press 4x5-15(red band doubled)
B2 - Cross Body Curls 4x12-30
C1 - 6 Ways 3x12
C2 - DB Preacher Curls 3x12
D1 - Wide Grip Bench (6-1-3 tempo) 2x6
D2 - DB Hammer Preacher Curls (double drop sets)
2 x failure x failure
- Banded Ab bench 6x15 (between exercises)
3-30-2017- Thursday - GPP/Recovery - @#teamaddingtonHQ
- Band Leg Curls 4x15 (orange)
- Standing Calf Raise 4x15-40
- Banded Tibia Dorsiflexion​ 4x15 + toe raises x 15
- Micro Band Hammer Curls x 50 , Red band x 50
- Micro Band Overhead Ext’s x 50, Red Band x 50
- Flat Bench Press 95#x47 , 95#x32
- Orange Band, FatGripz, unilateral curls x 25
- Orange Band, FatGripz, unilateral Ext’s x 25
- Micro Band Pull Aparts 2 x 25
- Face Pulls (red band) x 25
- Pressdowns (red band) x 25