First off, Hi all. I’ve been a member for a while and I’ve learned a lot from this site, but I’ve never felt I had anything to say because I was quite a bit younger (I’m 18 atm). I probly still don’t have a lot to say lol, but having 0 posts is just embarrasing so on to the point…
I haven’t seen anyone post this vid (sorry if it has) and it wasnt even on youtube before. I thought it was quite funny.
I thought the reporter was pretty hot too. I like the way she says “I do” and “I am” when TC says they have higher testosterone, often athletes, often good at math… and then he says they’re often lesbians and she’s like oh… lol
[quote]Con@n wrote:
Yeah, not what I expected. But all the same, didn’t know he wrote a book! You would think they would have advertised a little on here about it.[/quote]
[quote]Con@n wrote:
Yeah, not what I expected. But all the same, didn’t know he wrote a book! You would think they would have advertised a little on here about it.[/quote]
Take a look around the store, apparently there is a lot here ya havent seen yet.
[quote]HangerBaby wrote:
Awesome. He is a very cool dude. He doesn’t come off as the arrogant macho man most people would say he would… great stuff[/quote]
He seems even more awesome now i’ve seen this, this is awesome. I’d love for T-Nation editors/contributers to do more videos and interviews.