Any of y’all Floridians from Tallahassee? It seems like there’s T-cells everywhere else, geez! C’mon, quit yer dang lurking and let me know! There’s gotta be more than just me and seminole chick, fer cryin’ out loud!
I live in Tallahassee. Havnt trained in a while due to hurt back, but its getting better.
I am not from florida but will be vacationing at boca raton may 3-7th. Will probably be pretty damn busy all the way up to the 6th though. but should be able to hang out with any t-floridians that thurs night.
I went to FSU from Fall 2000 to Spring 2002… then I came back home to Pensacola. I thought Tallahassee was a fun place, but it wasn’t a great learning environment.
I just moved from Tallahassee to Littleton, Colorado in March. I lived in Tally for 4 years, and was never too fond of the city. I graduated from FSU in Dec. 2002.
Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Seminole Chick. Your recent pics show some improvement from the last ones you posted. Keep up the good work!
I’ve been off for 6 weeks due to a severly sprained ankle and then with starting a new job and finding a new place to live and all that mess, I just now feel ready to begin training. Oh, and the altitude took some getting used to as well.
I’m from Boca Raton! I will PM you with my info. I know plenty of fun places Thurs. night!
wow, can’t believe i missed this post! guess i need to keep better track!
Thanks Djwolf! i’ve been working hard, and hopefully will have some more pics to post in the near future, if my diet works.
i’m in tally, yes. it’s an OK town, not the nicest place i’ve ever been but liveable.
anyone go to the bodybuilding show earlier this year? it was ok, maybe someday i’ll compete…but i don’t know anyone who really knows what they’re doing in this town who could help me…
well yall are kinda far from port O for me but i’d be in your Tcell. hell lothario’s candy ass is supposed to come throw the weight around with me when he’s down here and vice versa. peace out.