So, 8 days into a Mag-10 cycle and I’ve gotten some sort of flu. Had a few questions.
I’ve only got 4 doses left so I know I shouldn’t just stop taking it, but what medicine is safe to take while I’m also taking Mag-10? Are there certain over the counter meds I should avoid? Or are things like theraflu, etc. all OK to take?
You know, to expand on this subject, I recently had the flu as well and have not been on any anabolics for 3 months.
Typically when I get really sick (like the flu; a cold doesn’t count to me), I drop alot of weight. This could be due in a large part to no appetite but I still strive to take in a fair amount of protein. Usually this still doesn’t help; I still lose the weight.
I decided to take some small amount of anabolics to see this time, with the flu, if I could maintain some of my mass as my poor body tries to recupe.
Based upon this trial, it is my opinion that anabolics are VERY effective in keeping your mass when you’re sick AT low dosages.
I too have MAG-10 and am one of those who still have a plentiful supply. It should be noted that I have an array of other anabolics as well. For this trial, I used MAG-10.
I was sick for 4 days, and on each day I took a single dose of MAG-10 and strived valiantly to maintain my protein intake (Metabolic Drive primarily as I really had NO appetite).
After recuperating from my illness, my weight did NOT change one iota; I was still 208 [lb].
I have also used steroids before to provide my body some “extra help” during times of extreme durress (like serious work and family stress)when I would also typically lose weight. It has worked in that arena as well.
Sorry for hijacking this thread with this testamony as I know it doesn’t quite answer your question. In my opinion though, you should continue the course of your MAG-10 cycle so that illness doesn’t ravage away what you have gained so far.
Thanks, that’s part of what I wanted to hear.
Did you also take over the counter medications while taking the small doses of MAG-10?
Luckily I’ve just got a fever and cough, not puking or crapping my brains out which I’m very thankful for!
[quote]kxf250rider wrote:
Thanks, that’s part of what I wanted to hear.
Did you also take over the counter medications while taking the small doses of MAG-10?
Luckily I’ve just got a fever and cough, not puking or crapping my brains out which I’m very thankful for!
I took God’s gift to man with the flu: Nyquil. I also took antihistimines and Robitussin. Heck, my doctor even prescribed for me the cough syrup with codeine in it! In general, I don’t believe there are any contraindications with MAG-10 or with most anabolics.
Really hope you get better! Being sick is truly NO fun.