I am fat (19.3% body fat). Does anyone think creatine monohydrate can actually get into your system with say 40 grams of whey protein rather than tons of high glycemic carbs? I’m 181 lbs, 28 years old. Any idea how much I should take as well?
I’m wondering if anyone else is in the same boat and what they do.
Yes mix it with anything. Water will do. An insulin spike will maximise intake but is not a requirement. Timing: morning or after workout, but really anytime will do.
I don’t like to load up as my stomach doen’t like it.
[quote]redgladiator wrote:
Yes mix it with anything. Water will do. An insulin spike will maximise intake but is not a requirement. Timing: morning or after workout, but really anytime will do.
I don’t like to load up as my stomach doen’t like it.
Do 5g everyday.[/quote]
X2 - just throw it (5g) in your PWO shake, even if it doesn’t have high GI carbs. It still works just fine.
Taking it with whey is fine too, you just need to mix it with something that contains an insulinogenic ingredient to deliver it to the muscles and low in acid (whey, amino acids, sugar, etcetera). Also, the reason for no OJ or the like is that acidic fluids can convert it to the toxic form creatinine.
Yeah dude, it’s just an amino acid like any other. it is broken down by pepsin and HCl in your stomach and absorbed through your intestine like any other protein.
there should be enough sodium in your whey to make a fine environment for quick transfer from the stomach.
1 tbsp of salt is 291% of your daily value of sodium. Even if you meant a teaspoon of salt, that’s 97% of the daily value. Isn’t 1 tbsp of salt alot?
I’m wondering what the science is behind the salt intake? Any links to anything on the web about this so that I can read more about it would be much appreciated as well.
Three things are needed to for a muscle to be fully saturated and hydrated. Glucose, sodium, and water. With water and sodium probably being the most important out of the three.
unfortunately, common table salt is not the same as sodium. its NaCl, and is not the sodium you are looking for [just like those droids that werent the ones you were looking for].
Also, there is a certain salinity [water/salt ratio] that is needed in the stomach to signal the release of its contents into the intestines for further digestion.
All these mystical salt formulas might actually serve to slow down the absorption process while your body acquires water to dilute your tablespoon [TABLESPOON!!! I would love to see you casually choke down a tablespoon of salt, even in a shake. come on. Who the fuck cares about 5g of creatine enough to eat 15g of salt just to have it absorb faster? better? it is either used or is not. It will go to the muscles if that is what your body requires] of salt in your guts.
So you could just keep yourself full of sodium, potassium [another one of the “three” things needed to fully saturate a tissue], glucose and water by eating foods that contain those micros.
The creatine is just food. It goes where it needs to go. It is not a magical elf powder that requires you to solve a metabolic sudoku puzzle to properly use. the way some people talk about it makes it sound like its wrapped in a condom and sugar, salt and happy thoughts are the only things that will get it out and into your muscle.
Better go to bed before I start being a smart ass.
[quote]Evolv wrote:
Taking it with whey is fine too, you just need to mix it with something that contains an insulinogenic ingredient to deliver it to the muscles and low in acid (whey, amino acids, sugar, etcetera). Also, the reason for no OJ or the like is that acidic fluids can convert it to the toxic form creatinine. [/quote]
I was told to take creatine with grape juice. The juice does boost insulin, not as much as dextrose or some other form of fast acting carbohydrate but it still works.
I looked around on a few credible websites and they didn’t mention creatine being specifically toxic for you when ingest with orange/grape juice I could only find that phosphoric acid breaks the creatine down to creatinine. Like that found in the liquid form of creatine. Phosphoric acid is not found in grape juice.
OP optimally you need to take with dextrose/maltodextrin to create an insulin spike to optimise absorbtion.
Since you are refusing to take with carbs, taking with whey is as good as anything else.
Tablespoon of salt?? I don’t recommend it even if it works. (I’m not saying it doesn’t work)
If I was in your situation I would still take creatine post workout with SURGE. 5g. This is OPTIMAL.