Taking Arimitex Orally?

Taking Arimitex orally? Just got some 10ml/ml gram bottles. I’ve heard that taking 0.25mg/0.25ml every other day is beneficial, but how can I know measure 0.25ml?

seriously ?

Its fractions, remember elementary ?

I cant really read your concentration, because you wrote it as (ml/ml gram), which does not exist, unless you’ve canceled the ml units and your just giving it to me in grams, which doesn’t make sense either :wink:

Im going to have to assume that means 10mg/ml

And you want .25mg

Do the math:

10mg / 1 ml = .25mg / X ml

Solve for X.

EDIT: no it seems you want .25 ml ?

Yes oral syringe, go to CVS or wallgreens, ask for one that measure in 10ths of a milliliter.

Oral Syringe.

They sell them at any drugstore OTC.

Jeez, you better get that dosing right, it would be a shame if you used too much and grew like 2 feet more than you wanted to…

I think the OP meant that Adex is normally dosed at 1mg per ml. So 0.25 ml = 0.25 mg. Mine is like that. My bottle has a dropper with the following markers:

1 ml

So in answer to the OP’s question: Use the dropper to measure 0.25ml = 0.25 mg

If the dropper of your product has no markings; go with the oral syringe of course. Also, please ensure that your product is indeed 1ml = 1 mg; if it is other - do the math.

With adex its not that important to have incredibly accurate dosing.

With letro I would definitely opt for an oral syringe.

I would not trust the dropper.

Be aware of the date, there are zero long term studies on this protocol, so any side effects caused by your self-treatment are unknown. An inch or two better really be worth any possible endocrine “malfunction” that might result.

Aromatase Inhibitor May Delay Skeletal Maturation and Improve Final Adult Height in Females.
Angela L Turpin, Jadranka Popovic, Alexander Karmazin, Wayne V Moore, Jill D Jacobson. Pediatric Endocrinology, Children?s Mercy Hosp, Kansas City, MO.

A common problem in pediatric endocrinology is limited growth potential resulting from advancing skeletal maturation. Estrogen has been demonstrated to be the hormone responsible for bone age advancement and ultimate epiphyseal fusion. In females there are two sources of estrogen: ovarian secretion and conversion from adrenal androgens. Aromatase inhibitors block the conversion of androgens into estrogen. Recently, studies have been conducted using aromatase inhibitors in males to prevent bone age progression. The objective of the current study was to determine the efficacy of letrozole (a third generation aromatase inhibitor) on delaying skeletal maturation in girls with compromised predicted adult heights. After IRB approval was obtained, a retrospective chart review was performed on 15 girls treated with letrozole. Girls were treated with letrozole based on the following criteria: a) predicted adult height ³7.5 cm < midparental height (MPH), b) rapidly progressing bone ages ( ³2 years/year) or c) bone age (BA) ³3 years above chronologic age (CA). Six of 15 girls were concomitantly treated with GnRH analogues. Average age at the start of treatment was 9.5 ± 2.2 (Mean ± S.D.). Mean duration on treatment was 1.5 ± 1.1 years (range 6 m to 4.1 y). Predicted adult height (PAH) standard deviation score (SDS) at baseline was -1.07 ± 1.03. MPH SDS score for this group was 0.06 ± 0.64 (p<0.05 for the comparison of MPH SDS and pretreatment PAH SDS). Post treatment PAH SDS was -0.57 ± 0.78 (p=0.05 for the comparison with pretreatment PAH SDS), demonstrating a trend toward increasing the predicted final adult heights with letrozole. Bone age progression decreased significantly with treatment (DBA/DCA was 1.71 ± 1.1 pretreatment and 0.62 ± 0.52 post treatment ; p < 0.005). No side affects were reported in our patients while on letrozole therapy. These data suggests that letrozole may be useful in causing a deceleration in bone age progression and thus, an improvement in final predicted adult height, in a population of girls with limitation on predicted adult height. Further studies, including controlled prospective clinical trials, are needed to assure long term safety and efficacy of letrozole therapy in the pediatric population.

Clinical Oral Session: Pediatric Endocrinology I (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM)

Presentation Date: 6/18/2004, Time: 1:00 PM; Location: Room 388, 389 & 390

Thanks for the abstract Egnatiosj. I wonder about the possible developmental effects of severe estrogen deficiency on 9 year old girls.

I imagine the use of birth control pills in girls that haven’t stopped growing could influence their final height. However I have never heard of this being brought up as a concern before.