Taking a Mild Oral Twice a Week to Lower SHBG? Thoughts and Advice

Did you direct that to me intentionally? stanozolol (sp) isn’t a drug I mentioned or suggested.

My experience has been with multiple (but failed) attempts with proviron, and 18 months and counting, of Danazol.

If you are bored enough to research, you will find numerous reports of low dose proviron not shutting down T production. There is also some discussion of low-dose Danazol not shutting down natural T production as well – although there is more written about its negative affect on T production because no one seems to understand the concept of low-dose.

Had I known what I know now, I would have started with an SHBG reduction drug BEFORE going the route of TRT. My natural T levels were over 1000. So even if I had “shut down” my natural T, the point would be moot because I ended up on TRT anyway. My SHBG, btw, was as high as 120.

Proviron is legal where I am, but is not in the US where this all started. Danazol was the goto drug, but only after I documented that “throwing more testosterone at the SHBG to reduce it” did not always work for all people (ie: ME).

But, in my opinion, NO CLINIC is going to prescribe anything to reduce SHBG. They will go the only way they know – prescribe TRT.

I haven’t seen your thread on your SHBG,
What happened when you added more testosterone to try and reduce it ?

I haven’t seen your thread on your SHBG

It is rather long.

What happened when you added more testosterone to try and reduce it ?

Nothing. My T-level was brought to supra-physiological levels of almost 3000. ZERO effect on SHBG. That is why I qualify that it did not work FOR ME … The higher the SHBG, imo, the less likely the old methods will work.

You are high, but not insanely high. I would go after all the herbals and supplements (especially BORON) to see if that would help first.

Ok Il give the boron a goo!
Even if i get my shbg down to 40 il be very happy,

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