Taking a Mild Oral Twice a Week to Lower SHBG? Thoughts and Advice


This unreal kid is wicked smart. I mean, dam, this guy is a book. We can all learn so much from him.

Your presence is more than tolerated here and itā€™s not because of what you said. Itā€™s because youā€™re a damn boy genius who knows more about this stuff than half the doctors any of us have met and because youā€™re a genuinely good dude who is always looking out for the best interest of people with questions.


I have said it before, Unreal, has probably forgotten more than I will know about gear. BUT knowing Unreal on here, the dude probably hasnt forgotten anything.


I appreciate the kind words

I appreciate this wording, I wouldnā€™t state Iā€™m particularly mature. Merely Iā€™m on the spectrum, thus my mind, though patterns etc function somewhat abnormally, making me appear vastly different from that of a regular Joe (which may be the case).

Ever watch the Netflix series atypical, somewhat like that (though I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m as atypical as him)ā€¦ I donā€™t watch that show, saw a few episodes and/or walked in on others watching itā€¦ hit way too close to home and thus made me profoundly uncomfortable and upset to the point where I walked out of the room and/or turned offā€¦ I donā€™t like being reminded of my differences, and watching a show built around the perspective of an autistic person is uncomfortableā€¦ whenever the character is in a tense situation (like in one of the recent episodes he was at this college open house by himself and all the people talking to him overwhelmed his senses, the experience was SO relatable as Iā€™d had the EXACT same thing happen to me that I felt as if I was in the showā€¦ and I felt awful, uncomfortable and anxious and walked out the room in which people were watching the showā€¦ my day had been ruined)

Interestingly I like clubbing, concerts and ravesā€¦ however thatā€™s because I tend to completely dull my senses before going in (interpret this as you will, I think itā€™s fairly self explanatory)ā€¦ I feel normal when my senses are sufficiently nullified, itā€™s very infrequent that Iā€™d to this, and itā€™s a prime example of using an unhealthy crutch to cope with deeper rooted issues and/or neurological imbalance, however I enjoy the activity very much (raving/clubbing/moshing at metal concerts)ā€¦ the risk/reward ratio is worth it to me for the occasions in which I partake in large scale events, itā€™s very possible there is no other possible way for me to lessen my heightened awareness during these times. (been to therapy/psychiatrists)

I feel as if prolonged bullying at a younger age further impacted my ability to lower my guard

Ok mate you been nothing but helpful to me and always respectful, I use to rave every week for around 5 years hard!

This sounds profoundly risky (weekly raves), glad you came out okay. Last time I went to a rave I slept for a solid 16 hours afterwards lol (started at like 7-8pm (preā€™s), show up to the venue (like 10PM) and went home at 9am the next dayā€¦ fun night that wasā€¦

Thatā€™s the only rave Iā€™ve been to this year, been to far more nightclubs than raves

and even then, itā€™s been a good 12 weeks or so since Iā€™ve gone out. Today I graduate for good (no more tests or anything)ā€¦ I imagine Iā€™ll leave school feeling underwhelmed. I can see it now, Iā€™ve had this anticipation for this day building up for a while, but given Iā€™m lost and have found no meaning within life Iā€™ll probably leave the building and merely think ā€œwell fuckā€¦ now whatā€

Given my friends and peers graduate a few days after me, partying is in order (personallyā€¦ I wonā€™t consume ethanol thoughā€¦ though I know for a fact there will be more far than alcohol present at all these events), too close within relation to my latest dosage of dbol, not comfortable with that at all

@unreal24278 super glad you chimed in here. I had almost the exact same labs as @j.lee (total test 762, SHBG 77, free test 34 on a 31-150 scale) and have been using 25mg of proviron a day for about 3 weeks. Have noticed minor improvements: more frequent morning wood (where there used to be almost none), less brain fog, more motivation generally, but certainly donā€™t feel like 21 year old me did (Iā€™m 30 now). Am about to re-do labs in two weeks and will post results in a separate log, could help us see whether or not free T increases much if at all due to a lowered SHBG. Thanks again.

Hi mate your labs are very similar to mine and your age,
Did you do any anabolics in the past to put you in this position or it just happened naturally?
Im guessing you didnt find any definitive answers on how to fix your situation safely and long term ?
The most usaul answer iv been getting is you will need TRT

Most likely self-induced. I used to abide by the notion that lower estrogen = best, so I took arimistane products for quite a while. About a year ago I started using an arimistane product that also contained rad-140 and never did a PCT. Taking 25mg proviron a day is my first attempt to somewhat ā€œfixā€ the problem, though Iā€™m operating under the assumption Iā€™m more-so just alleviating symptoms for the time being until I can find a legit source for test and begin TRT.

You wouldnā€™t believe it and Probably some people will say im stupid for this,
But I had never done a PCT on all my past cycles before and come back perfectly,
This last cycle I done a PCT and It messed me up, putting me in the position im in now, After this happened to me Im not so sure about PCT, HCG is good in my opinion though,

After this happened to me I researched alot about PCT and I found Im not the only 1 who believes most of the PCT products are not necessary and can cause more problems than good, this was definitely the situation with my experience of PCT,

What was your PCT?

Clomid and nolvadex, and hcg from week 3 of cycle,

The clomid literally made me feel terrible and was giving me vision problems and my pupils would go strange, felt crazy on the stuff

Clomid is known to be unpleasant and the visual side effects can be permanent. Itā€™s why I always recommend Nolva instead. More effective (clinically proven) and fewer risks.

Yeah definitely, I wont be using it again thats for sure,

Your SHBG isnā€™t high enough for doctors to consider a drug supplement. But you can find discussions of low dose proviron and danazol use to lower SHBG if you look around.

I tested and documented decreased SHBG on boron. That is a simple way to start. But if you arenā€™t taking regular labs, you are shooting in the dark.

Looking forward to seeing results, as this is merely my hypothesis going by how I understand it to work rather than me being certain

5mg stanozoolol will cut shbg in half or more, but itā€™ll suppress TT/FT quite a bit and do a small number on lipids (say 30 percent reduction in HDL and 30 percent increase in LDL if going by literatureā€¦ and HDL2 subtraction will decrease by as much as 80%!!!)