I have low free testosterone 10ng/d
But I have decent total testosterone 710
My SHBG is the problem at 66 ref 18.3-54.1
Iv found a few threads and trials were someone took a low dose mild oral to lower shbg wich made the free testosterone go up a considerable amount,
I think the people who tried this was on TRT so no worries for them shutting down there own prodution of TESTOSTERONE,
I would like to know the thoughts from some members with knowledge in this department If i could get away with this with out shutting down my own testosterone?
This is a bad idea, taking an oral to lower shbg (aside from a very low dose of proviron, of which will still induce some level of suppression) will lower shbg, TT and FT…
Its not just to lower the shbg, but to also free up some of my testosterone,
As I said I found some threads were some had success with out increasing liver enzymes,
Freeing up testosterone whilst suppressing testosterone is a bad idea. Say you manage to drop shbg from 60-30 but you drop TT by 400 points, FT won’t budge much, if anything the opposite may (and probably will) happen
No, SHBG fluctuates based on a myriad of parameters. If SHBG drops, TT will drop and more FT will be freed up, whether this will make much of a difference in relation to free T without the presence of excess androgens I find debatable. Think about it like this, you’re body is producing, say 9mg test/day, shooting TT up to 700ng/dl and FT up to 10, say you cut SHBG in half, but you’re output of test remains the same, so TT drops to 500ng/dl, SHBG drops to 30 (arbitrary numbers), do you REALLY think free T will budge all that much in the presence of a merely lowered SHBG with the same output of test? I think not, I could very well be wrong, however when I think of it rationally I can’t see it making much of a difference.
Diet is very good mostly only whole foods,
Only processd food I might eat is rice or pasta sometimes,
Gym 5 times a week minimum,
Im very lean around 10percent body fat,
But I find it very hard to put on muscle with out doing steroid cycles,
Calories Is around 3000 per day
200g protein
And alot healthy fats,
Im not supplementing with anything at the moment,
My vit D is 33 so just in range but on the lower side,
My zinc is in good range,
I think my magnesium is aswell il check to confirm,
Low T symptoms I suffer with depression on and off,
Anxiety on and off,
If im not eating 3000 cals per day and going gym 5 times a week i start to loose weight quickly,
Very difficult to add muscle with out steroids
Lately had skin problems around my eyes BLEPHARITIS wich I found is linked to low testosterone, a leading doctor in this field with 20 years experience says Blepharitis is due to low testosterone in the tissue and out of balance ratio of testosterone to estrogen,
Firstly for optimal endocrine function, 10%bf is pushing it. Secondly, take Boron, magnesium supplementation (if magnesium deficient that is)… You may have AAS induced hypogonadism, in which case HTPA restart or TRT can be used to treat said ailment.
What are you’re prior cycles, are you aware of the risks associated with AAS (particularly neurological, cardiovascular, endocrine etc). Need to make sure your’e aware for the potential for premature death, cardiac enlargement with associated deteriorations in cardiac functioning etc)
Im very aware with all the dangers of Anabolic steroids, and I probably have got anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism,
Iv even had a consultation with the anabolic doc, and he told me thats what He thinks I have, the problem is we will never know as I didnt get bloods done before doing cycles as was young and uneducated at that time,
But thinking about things Iv always struggled to put on muscle and with depression and was smaller than most my age, I might have had low T or high shbg from the beginning as a kid, the cycles I done were always moderate,
Test and primo,
Or test and dbol kick start,
And thats it, and I always felt amazing on cycle, more focused more healthy and over all well being,
I wonder what the anabolic docs take on anabolic actually are. On his channel he obviously can’t condone the usage, but I wonder how dangerous he thinks conservative usage is for the majority of men (say 3-500mg/wk range)
I’ve always wanted to talk to this guy, pick his brain… can’t afford the consultation though… and he’s certainly harbour judgement due to my age. First impressions are generally what counts in convo, and an 18 year old using anabolics is admittedly moronic (I am on prescription TRT)
Correct he doesn’t condom it at all,
But he will help all he can to make you better,
He told me that it’s probably as good as it will get right now for me, with out TRT,
But he did say to wait until a full year has passed wich will be in 6 weeks for me,
If no reduction in shbg then probably it wont change due to the anabolic enduced hypogonadism,
I never went higher than 700mg total on any of my cycles,
My presence is tolerated on here however as I don’t typically overstep my boundaries and I try my best to dispense reasonable, quality advice when possible
It’s conplicated, lot of health ailments… hypogonadism induced from some unspecified variable. Perhaps stemming from chronic SSRI use (though this would indicate secondary hypogonadism) from age 7 onwards… perhaps simply bad luck. It’s a very long story that’d take up too much time to explain
The fact my FSH and LH are within mid-upper limits of normal on TRT (145mg/wk when not using more) hints at perhaps a more primary cause
Been on TRT since 16 (riiiighht before 17th birthday) started with topical preparations, moved to esterified IM test at 17 and a half or so
TRT is a horrible life. Having high testosterone year-round, having to beat your dick into submission on the reg and having to add extra weight to the bar each and every week… It’s a life I wish on no one.