'Take Away the 2nd Amendment'

[quote]clip11 wrote:
At least thats what these two guys say:


Apparently Mr. Rubin wasn’t aware that in 2008, the SCOTUS ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the 2nd Amendment recognizes not a collective right, but an individual one. This put to rest the liberal argument that the militia clause of the 2A indicated a desire by the framers to preserve a collective right.

And of course his argument is ridiculous anyway, since the law that Mr. Burress broke and was jailed for was a local law, not a federal one. And since this article was written in 2009, prior to McDonald v. Chicago, the 2A had yet to be incorporated through the due process clause of the 14A…as it later would be in 2010…and therefore did not extend it’s protection against local levels of law.

I wrote something back around Christmas time about this subject, focused on North Carolina’s local gun laws and some changes in store due to the Heller and McDonald cases…but rather than post here and derail this thread, I’ll post it in a new thread…