Take a Look At My First?

Getting ready to run my first cycle.
Got some Arimedex for sides and clomid for PCT, seems like I am seeing many different suggestions for PCT

12 weeks
1-12 Test cyp 250mg twice a week (Sun and Thurs)
1-5 Dbol 25mg per day
1-4 Arimidex 1mg per day
5-12 Arimidex .5mg per day
14 Clomid 200mg per day
15 Clomid 100mg per day
16 Clomid 50mg per day
17 Clomid 25mg per day
18 Clomid 25mg per day

How close am I?
Any thoughts would be appreciated
38 / 6’0" / 204


As suggested in another “new cycle” thread, you could probably up Dbol to 40mg/day. Or not use it at all, and stick with a test only cycle.

Your A’dex dosing is a little high. With that, you’re really going to have to experiment with what dose will be right for your cycle, but don’t start out at such a high dosage. You may find you don’t need a’dex until two weeks into cycle. Then start @ .5mg EOD, and go from there. The consensus for most cyclers around here seems to be .5mg EOD or .25mg/day. If that doesn’t control bloat, up it from there.

And there are differing opinions on taper or traditional PCT. I didn’t use clomid on mine, someone else is going to have to chime in here. Nolvadex is an alternative to the clomid, 40/30/20/10mg dosages a day, beginning two weeks after last test injection, lasting for four weeks.

I do appreciate your input I have looked at the traditional as well as the taper methods, I guess some of this will be trial and error I just do not want to error too terribly bad :slight_smile: Again thanks for your input!


OK so I looked all over the board at the taper theory and it looks like folks are doing well. How bout this:

12 weeks
1-12 Test cyp 250mg twice a week (Sun and Thurs)
1-5 Dbol 40mg per day
1-12 Arimidex .5mg EOD (As needed)
13-18 Test cyp 100mg per week two seperate
19 Test cyp 50mg
20 Test cyp 50mg
21 Test cyp 25mg
22 Test cyp 25mg
23 Test cyp 25mg

As a noob I need all the help I can get!!!
I will post on the PCT as well.


I’ve only done one cycle myself, which included the taper. Based off what I’ve read, the taper seemed the least intrusive way to seemlessly transition back to normal. I think LillGuy recently wrote how much better the taper was over traditional PCT, in terms of libido, mood swings, etc.

I’m in my second to last week of the taper, the 40mg week, and I’ve noticed almost no change in mood. There’s been a change in libido from being on, but then your hornier than teenager in a whorehouse.

[quote]titanmike wrote:
OK so I looked all over the board at the taper theory and it looks like folks are doing well. How bout this:

12 weeks
1-12 Test cyp 250mg twice a week (Sun and Thurs)
1-5 Dbol 40mg per day
1-12 Arimidex .5mg EOD (As needed)
13-18 Test cyp 100mg per week two seperate
19 Test cyp 50mg
20 Test cyp 50mg
21 Test cyp 25mg
22 Test cyp 25mg
23 Test cyp 25mg

As a noob I need all the help I can get!!!
I will post on the PCT as well.


I don’t think you need weeks 13-18 as a “stasis” period. Prisoner is the originator of the taper, and when he included a six week “stasis” @ 100mg/wk, that was so the body could clear all other forms of AAS, outside of the test. It’s totally up to you, but your body will recover its natural test levels quicker, the sooner you start the taper. If you were running equipoise, then yes, run a six week “stasis.” You can shorten the 100mg/wk, maybe two weeks, and begin the taper, since you’re only running test.

Why not 80/60/40/20 over four weeks? What’s the dosing of your test? It seems simpler to break it down this way when looking at the markings on the syringes. At least it does mine, a 3cc syringe. Mine was 200mg/ml, also…

I have never used the taper but if I was you I would stick with traditional PCT for my first cycle. I don’t love clomid and would recommend nolva instead, maybe even some hcg if you can get a hold of it too. Also I see no need to run the nolva at 40/30/20/10, 20mg has been shown to be an extremely effective dose and there are little benefits when going above. I’d probably run nolva 20mg/day for 4-6 weeks after. just my 2 cents

[quote]jb99 wrote:
I have never used the taper but if I was you I would stick with traditional PCT for my first cycle. I don’t love clomid and would recommend nolva instead, maybe even some hcg if you can get a hold of it too. Also I see no need to run the nolva at 40/30/20/10, 20mg has been shown to be an extremely effective dose and there are little benefits when going above. I’d probably run nolva 20mg/day for 4-6 weeks after. just my 2 cents[/quote]

I’m not disputing the dosage of 20mg. I’ve only got my own experience, and what I’ve read. What has been pretty consistent, though, is the need to taper off the nolva, even @ 20mg/day.

Thanks dudes I do appreciate the input, just need to get this first one behind me and get it as close to “right” as I can.


Nolvadex HCG Aromasin
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day
4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

I just finished this pct protocol and found it to be extremely effective. I never went above 20 on the nolva and did not taper off of it either. Everyone has there own opinions on what works for them and what doesn’t. To the OP you will find out what works best for you as you go on.

Here is a good article on PCT if you want to check it out