I am 62 years old and hve an appointment next week for testosterone replacement therapy. Recent bloodwork came in at total T of 373. The highest I’ve been in my past three blood checks has been 444. I’m looking for input from other guys around my age as to how high I should be with T injections for optimal muscle, energy, and strength maintenance. What can I expect and what levels should I shoot for? Thanks.
Please read these links found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman
- advice for new guys
- things that damage your hormones
- protocol for injections
- finding a TRT doc
Self inject 50mg T cyp/eth twice a week, 100mg/wk total
250iu hCG SC EOD to preserve your testes - if you care
0.5mg anastrozole at time of injections
Use #29 1/2" 0.5ml insulin syringes for T and inject SC
#31 5/16" 0.5ml for hCG
You have a lot of reading to do in one week. Your doc may be an idiot about these things and you can try to sell your protocol. You will need to know more than 99% of doctors, but that is not a hard thing to do.