T Supplement for Those Under 18

I know this is a touchy subject, supplementing for those under 18 but besides the expected “read the warning label” and other obvious comments what is the reason for the under 18 rule?

Lets say that my “friend” was thinking of taking TribexGold and he was under 18 why should he not?
Is it because he has other options and doesn’t need it or will it harm his natural production of T?
My “friend” wonders if since it only brings T level to their max natural levels that it might be “safe” if Properly cycled?

Actually it may do nothing. Those under 18 are already going through the equivalent of a mild steroid cycle already. (Depending on a few factors.)

It is like you foot is on the gas pedal already to the floor, trying to press it down even further won’t do anything because it has nowhere to go.

And that is what you are trying to do with a supplement like this.

Just take advantage of the short time this is occurring naturally. If you aren’t getting results now, it has nothing to do with T.

While I disagree that teenagers are undergoing a ‘mild steroid cycle’, it may be a waste of your money because your testosterone is probably already high because of your age, as The Mage alluded too.

Well ok so it might not do anything but I’m stil curious … would their be any Physical harm?

[quote]Apnea Diver wrote:
Well ok so it might not do anything but I’m stil curious … would their be any Physical harm?[/quote]

Fuck me. I hate people like this.

Lawl, your “friend” is really you.

I’m 15, I take Tribulus (not TRIBEX Gold) Will it do much? Probably not. Am I wasting my money? Probably. But the tribulus I get doesn’t cost TOO much ($18 for 100 grams)

It all depends on your goals. I have one shot to play college ball, so if a few bucks and supplements here and there are going to help me achieve that goal, then BY GOD I’m going to take it!

Or develop gynecomastia or any of the other potential problems that pro-hormones cause; which could be worsened by the current hormonal activity in a pre 18 year old.
Not to mention stringent regulations which may prohibit the use of pro-hormones.

TRIBEX isn’t a prohormone…

i took some “test booster” tribulus product when i was 17 and it didn’t do anything for me, complete wast of time and money.

you’d be wasting your money…if you want something, then buy protein creatine…and…um food… :wink: lol


Everything zagman just said is untrue, fyi. But, I also took a test booster (I’m 19). Waste of money like Gerdy said.

BTW, whats up Gerdy where you been? I haven’t see you around.

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
Everything zagman just said is untrue, fyi. But, I also took a test booster (I’m 19). Waste of money like Gerdy said.

BTW, whats up Gerdy where you been? I haven’t see you around.[/quote]

I’ve been mia. lol

Nah i moved back down to socal and started summer school…I’m sleeping on a couch in a one bedroom apt until july 1 when we get our other place. I don’t have an internet connection at my current place but can get online at work :wink: shhhh…lol


Sorry, neither of Biotest’s test boosters are prohormones. I was mistaken. Gerdy and GetSwole are right, it is unlikely the test boosters are going to be effective.

Thanks for the input Thesolution.
Was i that transparent lol. But ya I’m in the same boat as you, trying to improve in sports and willing to drop $10 for an edge.

Gerdy I have my protein,creatine and food intake zeroed in.

I have a bottle i can up for cheap so i think I’m going to give it a shot.
Thank you to every one for the advice.

Vicomte ya fuck you, be helpfull or don’t post in my thread.

[quote]Apnea Diver wrote:

Was i that transparent lol.[/quote]


I have seen this before. You act like you want advice, but actually only want justification.

You should focus on real solutions instead of the quick fix.

[quote]TheSolution wrote:
Lawl, your “friend” is really you.

I’m 15, I take Tribulus (not TRIBEX Gold) Will it do much? Probably not. Am I wasting my money? Probably. But the tribulus I get doesn’t cost TOO much ($18 for 100 grams)

It all depends on your goals. I have one shot to play college ball, so if a few bucks and supplements here and there are going to help me achieve that goal, then BY GOD I’m going to take it![/quote]

Best of luck to you, but tribulus sure as fuck isn’t going to put you on a D1 football team. I would spend the money on Beta-7, Surge, and Creatine. Something that will allow you to increase your work load and improve recovery. Maybe Rhodiola Rosea too.

BETA-7 would probably be a better buy - agrees with Analog …

ZMA and Surge are also much better choices since they would allow you to increase your recovery and load which will likely lead to better gains then a test booster that probably will do nothing…

Superfood, REZ-V and BCAA’s would probably also be a better idea for you at your age…

so i have a quick question relating to supplementing TRIBEX, not so much because im under-age but more so because from what i understand most teens have elevated levels of hormones and therefore dont really need that kind of supplementation but i have also been told that having heavy drug use in ones past can seriously fuck with hormone levels (ex: smoking weed for three years will greatly increase estrogen levels) is this true?

and if so would it be smart to supplement some kind of test booster for someone in that situation?

Actually, I think if your T levels are NOT elevated during adolescence, it is perhaps an indication of poor nutrition or something more serious - something physiological - and therefore beyond a solution involving herbal assistance.

You want a ‘natural’ T booster? Take daddy’s bimmer and pick up prom date, proceed to dance and flirt, bang the shit outta each other afterwards. Attend many proms.

By the way, the gas tank on daddy’s bimmer? It’s on the right side. Fill it up like a good son before you hand back the keys.

[quote]analog_kid wrote:
TheSolution wrote:
Lawl, your “friend” is really you.

I’m 15, I take Tribulus (not TRIBEX Gold) Will it do much? Probably not. Am I wasting my money? Probably. But the tribulus I get doesn’t cost TOO much ($18 for 100 grams)

It all depends on your goals. I have one shot to play college ball, so if a few bucks and supplements here and there are going to help me achieve that goal, then BY GOD I’m going to take it!

Best of luck to you, but tribulus sure as fuck isn’t going to put you on a D1 football team. I would spend the money on Beta-7, Surge, and Creatine. Something that will allow you to increase your work load and improve recovery. Maybe Rhodiola Rosea too.[/quote]

Too true, too true! Without nutrition down, then megadoses of fish oil, whey protein, beta alanine, a multivitamin, and creatine (as long as your body can handle the creatine, without muscle pulls, unlike my own body) under your belt, I most definitely wouldn’t get T-boosters.