T, SHBG Results

-male, 37, 5’10, 195, 13% BF (approx)
-100 mgs/wk of test cyp, 250 IUs HCG twice per wk

-administered 100 mgs test cyp in rear delt on a sunday. had blood drawn on a friday (5 days after test cyp injection) for total and free test, as well as shbg. i asked for E2 levels, but my endo declined.

here are the lab results:

Testosterone, Free LC MS/MS (9 - 30 ng/dL): 28
Testing performed by Equilibrium Dialysis.

Testosterone, LC-MS/MS (240 - 950 ng/dL): 677
Testing performed by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass

SHBG (10 - 80 nmol/L): 13

subjectively, i feel much better than pre-TRT. but libido isn’t where i’d like it to be (diet, sleep, work out is in check. no psych issues). and i know without E2 and other pertinent values, it’s difficult to comment. free T looks high (which is good, right?!). i’d like to be on the higher end of total T. but would it be correct to assume that since i was 5 days post test cyp injection, that my total T was higher earlier in the week? would increasing test cyp dose to 125 or 150mgs/week increase total T and, presumably, increase free T, also? also, lower SHBG is desired, to my understanding. but are lower levels ever indicative of something that i should be concerned about?

any thoughts, comments, and advice from the vets would be appreciated. thanks, gents…

You should be injecting more often so your levels will be steady. You can do that IM or SC with insulin needles. Please read the protocol for injections sticky. Also good basics in the advice for new guys sticky.

SHBG suggests that E2 is lower and FT is consistent with that.

Lab work: post more [with ranges] and we will review. TSH is always of interest and hematocrit is important to monitor.

You cannot self order labs in your State.

Endo’s are typically quite useless with TRT: We have a sticky for finding a TRT doc.

thanks, ksman. agreed…endos, in general, are pretty useless with TRT. but…my insurance covers it so i think it’s the best option for me at the moment.

here’s the lab results… again, i don’t know what you can conclude from these values/numbers (no E2, thyroid, etc.). BUN and creatinine, while “normal,” appear to be on the high side. any reason for that? also, hgb and hct were slightly elevated…but i suspect that’s normal when on T…any reason i should be concerned at this time?


HTC=53 is a problem. Injecting more often, with smoother T levels might help with HCT and lab results will be more meaningful.

Also good basics in the advice for new guys sticky.

Avoid iron fortified foods. Fish oil and mini aspirin will help with circulation.