T-Nation Shirt Reponses

Hey I’am thinking about no wait… I 'am getting a T-Nation shirt and the Testosterone shirt tommorow (placing an order). What responses have you gotten by wearing the T-Nation Shirt?

I’ve read the Testosterone Shirt responses and was wondering about T-Nation shirt.

Thanks for your help.

Whenever I wear my Testosterone shirt, various women have sex with me (more often than not - multiple women at the same time).

So you ask, has your Testosterone shirt made your life better?

My answer? Yes. A big resounding yes.

My Testosterone shirt has alway been a big hit. Cannot go wrong. I can’t imagine the T’Nation shirt will garnish as much attention. I get told “You can’t wear that shirt to my kids b-day party!” Of course I always do. Like “Testosterone” is a dirty word, dumb americans.

usually get panties thrown at you

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
usually get panties thrown at you[/quote]

Kinda makes me woender why I still dont have one…

Gets a great response from women. Its like having “I have balls” written across your chest. It also scares away small dogs and the people who own them.

Hey thanks to everyone with the responses let’s keep them comin.

I’ll be getting my shirt next week and plan to be sporting it at Six Flags.
Will bikinis be suddenly thrown to me
let see and find out!

Just look out for the big ones. Its like being trapped under a parachute!

Damn you’re all lucky all I ever got was a 130lb guy come on to me when he saw mine

[quote]superpimp wrote:
Damn you’re all lucky all I ever got was a 130lb guy come on to me when he saw mine[/quote]

Me too. :frowning:

I wore my Testosterone to the first day of one of my college classes.

My professor referred to me as
“Mr. Testosterone” (a chemistry class ironically).

I don’t have a T-Nation shirt yet but I would image the response would be along the lines of “what is that logo, are you in a gang or somethin’?”

superpimp wrote:
Damn you’re all lucky all I ever got was a 130lb guy come on to me when he saw mine
SicTorn wrote:
Me too. :([/quote]

I would image you would get a bizarre response wearing this as a women! Especially since you are more ripped than most men.

[quote]fedorov91 wrote:
I would image you would get a bizarre response wearing this as a women! Especially since you are more ripped than most men.


It’s highly amusing. Highly. :wink:

[quote]fedorov91 wrote:

superpimp wrote:
Damn you’re all lucky all I ever got was a 130lb guy come on to me when he saw mine
SicTorn wrote:
Me too. :frowning:

I would image you would get a bizarre response wearing this as a women! Especially since you are more ripped than most men.[/quote]

Then she beats them up and takes their lunch money.