Can anyone tell me the significance behind the T Nation tribal design logo? Just curious.
It’s a big T. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that.
Looks cool though.
[quote]Der_Steppenwolfe wrote:
It’s a big T. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that.
Looks cool though.[/quote]
with all due respect i don’t think you should be giving opinions on the meaning of the tribal T on Testosterone Nation.
remember i started that with ‘with all due respect’ so you can’t get your panties in a bind.
I would kinda like to know if there is any significance to the design as well
Fuck that let em have it!!! I bet you TC saw it in a euphoric state after doing loads of test.
[quote]Der_Steppenwolfe wrote:
It’s a big T. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that.
Looks cool though.[/quote]
A big T huh? Gee, who would of guessed You may be right though. Anyone else?
[quote]steveffcft wrote:
[quote]Der_Steppenwolfe wrote:
It’s a big T. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that.
Looks cool though.[/quote]
A big T huh? Gee, who would of guessed You may be right though. Anyone else?[/quote]
Off topic. On the new level status it shows you as a 10. It says ‘invitation’ for definition of that level. How and why did you get invited, if you don’t mind me asking?
Click on your green level and you will know as much as I do. It is the next level though, not level 10.
Levels are like medals.
So shiny.
My bad, I looked at the level definitions earlier, and was remembering 10 as invitation when it is actually 100. I’m gonna go look at Wendler’s level and see if it says 100, and have my answer.
I know the T stands for Testosterone, the symbol inside the T kinda has a yin-yang vibe to me. Like Dane Cook in his ‘B n E’ skit ‘I wanna know!’
Wendler is a 1. haha what a noob!
That was a joke by the way.
Here is the Dane Cook skit I mentioned in case some people haven’t seen it.
[quote]mbdix wrote:
Wendler is a 1. haha what a noob![/quote]
He is gonna kick your ass…
Seems like you get a 100 if you are all measured and mature…
I guess I will never make it…
haha. He probably never comes to GAL so I might be safe. Plus, I could always just offer to buy him a steak and some Jack Daniels.
Also, I think TC should have OVER 9000!!!
Not that he is all measured and mature, but I guess it does not have to make sense.
Or, alternatively, sheer awesomeness counts.
He write da Atomic Dogsz, he did !!!
[quote]orion wrote:
Seems like you get a 100 if you are all measured and mature…
I guess I will never make it…
[quote]mbdix wrote:
haha. He probably never comes to GAL so I might be safe. Plus, I could always just offer to buy him a steak and some Jack Daniels.[/quote]
Great. So you want to fuel him up, then get him drunk.
Seems more of a way to increase the intensity of your ass-kicking.
As for the significance of the logo, it could be a tribal-stylized “T” developed for marketing the site. If there’s anything more esoteric than that, that’s something for the creators to reveal as we can only guess at it.
Though I wouldn’t be surprised if was the symbol of a secret group with the aim of gaining influence to promote T-Nation principles in the social and political spheres, with a few members hiding in plain site - here - under the “By Invitation” levels of their profiles.
I’ve probably already said too much…
Yeah, we won’t be seeing many more of your posts either.
As far as I know, it is just a tribal looking T.
[quote]mbdix wrote:
with all do respect …[/quote]
Tribal was all kinds of “in” when the company was founded way back in 1998, I think that’s about it.