I just made one for the Regressive Ketogenic Cycling.
If someone wants it PM me with email.
I’ll post download link later.
I just made one for the Regressive Ketogenic Cycling.
If someone wants it PM me with email.
I’ll post download link later.
[quote]elusive wrote:
Pro-a-gression’s excel sheet for Thib’s Carb cycle got me thinking. Why doesn’t T-Nation have somewhere that has programs like this, where members like us can go and plug in some numbers to get our diet set up. They have this for the Velocity Diet 3.0, why not for other diets as well?
Would anyone else be interested in seeing some other interfaces that can set up macro’s/calories for an assortment of diets? I think it would go over well and possibly bring in new people to the site because of our innovative dieting tools!
Ideas so far:
-Thib’s Carb Cycling Codex Calculator (Pro-a-gression’s if he wants to lend it)
-The Get Shredded Diet Calculator
-T-Dawg 2.0 Calculator
-The Anabolic Diet Calculator
-Keto Diet / Very Low Carb Diet Calculator
-Massive Eating Calculator
I’m sure theres much more that I haven’t thought of. If anyone else thinks this is a cool idea POST A REPLY, maybe we can start a petition of some kind to get this rolling.[/quote]
You might make this suggestion in the Tech Support forum. I am sure if they think it is reasonable to do and they can fit it in, they would consider it.
Loseit for the iPhone, great application
I’m liking the input people are giving. TC and Matt haven’t checked the PM’s I sent them yet.
Like I said, I know some of these calculators are found elsewhere but I feel that if we collect them all and put them all in one place it would = awesomeness!
While we are at it with all the recent additions to the supplement line I would love to see a new stack spreadsheet.
[quote]Firebug9 wrote:
While we are at it with all the recent additions to the supplement line I would love to see a new stack spreadsheet.[/quote]
Speaking of supplements. I tried to present this idea to TC and company as well as I could and I came up with a few ideas.
However (and IF ever) they decide to do this. There can be a section with diet descriptions and their corresponding calculators. Also, supplements that Biotest recommends that would help during the specific diet. For example, creatine and BCAA’s would be recommended to be purchased after using the Get Shredded Diet calculator. Surge Workout Fuel and Surge Recovery can be recommended during a bulking diet calculator. Maybe Anaconda (if its ever released) can be recommended for all diets following a lower carb protocol.
I see this as a win/win because Biotest would make more money with their supplement sales, new members would be attracted to the site because of the innovative diet calculators and current/new members would have access to easy to use tools that can help set up a diet with confidence!
As a whole, I see these spread sheets and calculators being nothing but great news. As I mentioned before, I like the idea of a food chart/table with glycemic index/loads. Charts with foods and their macro breakdowns. This may be asking for much, but if T-Nation can set up a program like a fitday.com thing, where members can log their intake into a database of food this would be amazing. T-Nation would become a one stop place for everything nutrition. People would then most likely buy their supplements from here as well. Again, a win/win for everyone.
more ideas;
Vitamin and nutrient guide; A-Z. For example, Vitamin C- immune system supporter, helps lower cortisol, etc. You get the idea. And there could be info on which vitamins are more essential to certain types of training. Like, lighter lactic acid training would involve maybe a little less Vitamin C as opposed to German Volume training which is taxing on the nervous system.
Sample diets. Actual lay outs involving all the food and breakdowns of everything. This could be very helpful to beginning dieters who don’t know much. For example;
breakfast, 4 eggs, 1 table spoon olive oil, handful of spinach.
You get the idea
Yeah I think dratner has got some good ideas rolling, but fantastic idea to begin with elusive.
This is such a good idea, I can see a lot of experienced guys getting pissed because this could have cut years off of the learning curve!
Always a good thing though, efficiency.
Exactly. I’m glad people are taking a liking to this. Now all we need is one of the “Higher Ups” to stop by and tell us what IS and IS NOT possible.
Either way, it would make things more efficient and appealing to the masses.
you know, and while were at it…why not an exercise database? there are SO many different exercises and variations buried in so many years of articles. If there was one database that just listed all them; legs, back, chest, etc. that would so helpful. And you could give quotes and tidbits from different coaches. Like if I’m trying to explain to someone how to deadlift because I can’t make it to the gym to show them, I’d rather send them to T-Nation than anywhere else.
Also, you could have a database that would be specific to certain problems;
Lower back pain
Rotator cuff pain
Knee pain
[quote]dratner wrote:
you know, and while were at it…why not an exercise database? there are SO many different exercises and variations buried in so many years of articles. If there was one database that just listed all them; legs, back, chest, etc. that would so helpful. And you could give quotes and tidbits from different coaches. Like if I’m trying to explain to someone how to deadlift because I can’t make it to the gym to show them, I’d rather send them to T-Nation than anywhere else.
Also, you could have a database that would be specific to certain problems;
Lower back pain
Rotator cuff pain
Knee pain [/quote]
excellent idea my good sir.
haha thanks man. great thread also. I just want to see this place keep growing and growing and growing. DOWN WITH MUSCLE AND FITNESS! haha. just kidding. but not really
[quote]elusive wrote:
Firebug9 wrote:
While we are at it with all the recent additions to the supplement line I would love to see a new stack spreadsheet.
Speaking of supplements. I tried to present this idea to TC and company as well as I could and I came up with a few ideas.
However (and IF ever) they decide to do this. There can be a section with diet descriptions and their corresponding calculators. Also, supplements that Biotest recommends that would help during the specific diet. For example, creatine and BCAA’s would be recommended to be purchased after using the Get Shredded Diet calculator. Surge Workout Fuel and Surge Recovery can be recommended during a bulking diet calculator. Maybe Anaconda (if its ever released) can be recommended for all diets following a lower carb protocol.
I see this as a win/win because Biotest would make more money with their supplement sales, new members would be attracted to the site because of the innovative diet calculators and current/new members would have access to easy to use tools that can help set up a diet with confidence!
As a whole, I see these spread sheets and calculators being nothing but great news. As I mentioned before, I like the idea of a food chart/table with glycemic index/loads. Charts with foods and their macro breakdowns. This may be asking for much, but if T-Nation can set up a program like a fitday.com thing, where members can log their intake into a database of food this would be amazing. T-Nation would become a one stop place for everything nutrition. People would then most likely buy their supplements from here as well. Again, a win/win for everyone. [/quote]
I think I beat you to this suggestion, man
I suggested a LONG time ago that, for every dieting/training article out there, the reader be able to select from a list of appropriate diets, be able to tweak it based on their goals (assuming that the training routine can be used for cutting OR bulking), and at the end, be presented with suggested supplements.
I know it is a massive amount of development work - mainly due to use case scenarios - but it would be cool as hell and they could probably piggy back the V-Diet menu generator now.
asside from just nutrition-based stuff it would be cool to have a pretty extensive list of exercises/lifts too.
you could pick “powerlift, bodybuild, fitness” (or more/less) and then there could be a list of things to do to “increase PL numbers, increase size in certain areas, look better naked”
take powerlifting for example.
Randomguy: “I’d like to get help with my deadlift, what can I do?”
T-Nation Site: “Here is a list of varying deadlift-assitance & deadlift-varition lifts”
then there is a list like:
Glute Ham Raise
Good Mornings
Pull Thrus…
Chain Deads
Deficit Deads…
Stuff like that.
Like I promised, link for the Regressive ketogenic cycling calculator : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1ZVPPNRW
[quote]Firebug9 wrote:
While we are at it with all the recent additions to the supplement line I would love to see a new stack spreadsheet.[/quote]
Yes! Something similar to the protein factory simulation that provides recommendations to the customer based upon info like height, weight, BF, somatotype, athletic background, etc.
I feel like posts such as The Big Program Compilation or those in the beginners forum would also be the base of the program suggestion simulation.
Also, 300andabove had an extensive compilation of Thib’s work in one of his locker rooms. That could be of use, as well.
[quote]Tanju wrote:
Like I promised, link for the Regressive ketogenic cycling calculator : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1ZVPPNRW [/quote]
Thank you. No plans on ketogenic diet right now but maybe in the futre.
I have a feeling that they are going to be doing this in the next ‘super program’ or at least something similar to whats being discussed here. The V-Diet 3.0 is just the beginning of this sort of stuff. They are doing a sort of one stop shop of routine, supplement and diet. I’m not sure what the next ‘super program’ is, but its going to have the same detailed template like V-diet im sure!
But if you guys who are good at this stuff can get it all out quicker, then i’m all for it!
According to the status of my PMs, TC and Matt haven’t opened them yet. So hopefully that’ll happen today.
Hey Elusive…any word yet?