This site helped make me a beast in the weight-room and on the track and in the swimming pool and with the ladies!
I came here last year asking for some information and you all delivered.
After messing around for a month with a different workout each day and week to see what appealed to me. I found my calling.
I decided to put a twist on Dan John’s One Lift A Day. I didn’t pick the sets/reps he suggested, because talking to some strong guys at my gym, didn’t felt like it was aggressive enough.
I live next to high school track and have access to their swimming pool as well.
I workout in my garage 80% of the time.
My days were setup like this:
Sunday - Front Squat 10x5, RDL 10x5, Sprints
Monday - Bench Press 5x8, Pull Ups 5x12, Swim
Tuesday - Back Squat 10x3, GHR 4x12, Walk
Wednesday - Overhead Press 10x6, BB Rows 5x10, Hurdles
Thursday - BW Exercise Only Day, Swim
Friday - Deadlift 10x3, Lunges 10x6, Sprints
Saturday - BB Complex (picked random ones online), Walk
I breakdance 4x a week at night.
This has caused the following changes:
5’5 - 153lbs - 28yr old male → 5’6 (suprise!) - 168lbs - 29yr old
*I think an inch added to my height because my posture improved dramatically.
I just tested my 2RM last week, this is what I got:
Front Squat - 175 → 295
Back Squat - 205 → 355
Deadlift - 245 → 385
Bench Press - 145 → 250
Overhead Press - 105 → 180
BB Rows - 115 → 255
Chin Ups - 7 → 22
40 time - 5.1 → 4.6
50 freestyle (swim) - 43s → 27s
Headspins - 3 → 25
Windmills - 7 → can go forever
Flares - 4 → 12
90s - 5 → 11
I’ve become incredibly athletic. When I go to the bboy (breakdance) battles I’m usually now one of the more jacked guys there. Even the girls be approaching me. T Nation gave me the advice I needed to change my life.
and special shout out to @MarkKO for putting me on the right path!