T-Dawg v.2.0 w/ 5x5

I have searched a lot about this and read that 5x5 is helpful for mainting lbm while on a cutting phase. I read R.R&D and like the idea so I decided to make a program based on the same principle with a little more volume, but less volume than OVT.

Day 1- posterior chain emphasis,core
A1) Stiff leg dead lift 5x5
A2) DB lunges 3x8
B1) Deadlift 8x3
B2) Goodmorning 3x8
c1) Turkish Getup 3x6
c2) weighted v-up 3x6
Total sets: 25

Day 3- Upperbody
A1) Flat Bench Press 5x5
A2) Db bent over row 5x5
B1) High Pulls 5x5
B2) Shoulder press 5x5
C1) Decline Close Grip Bench Press 5x5
C2) Biceps Curl 5x5
Total Sets:30

Day 5- Quad Emphasis/ Speed
A1) Depth Jumps 5x5
B1) Real Hack Squat(not machine) 5x5
B2) Jump Squat 5x5
C1) Hang Clean 8x3
C2) Leg Ext. 1,1/3 3x8
Total Sets: 26

Does this sound good, any suggestions are welcome. I am going to start T-Dawg 2.0 monday.I just recieved my flax oil, and whey protein powder.
I am 16 years old,5’5" 180 lbs at 18% bf. I will consume 2300 calories 100g carb, 100g fat, 225g protein(2180/70g carbs on non workout days). I will keep you posted with results.

5x5 is an extremely intense program. i think you have way to many exercises there. i wouldnt do more that 4 exercises per workout. maybe less.

I was thinking the same thing myself. Way too many exercises.

Re-read the 5x5 and follow it. You have a lot of volume. The problem with this kind of volume when restricting muscle building/repair calories is: you will set yourself up for over-training and/or injury. You should also consider some sort of energy system training (sprints etc) in addition to your training since your goal seems to be fat loss.

Looks a bit too much. I’d limit to 4 exercises per workouts, preferably all compound exercises. You can do whole body workout 3 times a week but spread the volume over the week using different exercises for each bodypart each day meaning you do ONE different exercise per bodypart per day or do something like heavy, light, moderate days but it’s too much explaning on how to set it up. I used my own modified westside program to lose BF while on t-dawg v2.0/ it worked well for me. i also do one or two HIIT cardio sessions a week depending on the weather. Read and read all the articles and learn and learn how things are set up, why it works, why it doesn’t work, etc. That’s what i did.


this looks like a juicehead program. but wait you are on a natural juice cycle considering you are 16 years old. I would say go ahead and try it and see if you are able to do it. If not, then you will realize that the volume is way too much unless you are using really low intensity level (% of 1 rep max). If you are going for fat loss i would suggest Meltdown 1 followed by meltdown 2 followd by EDT fatloss. Try them all for 6 weeks each and then asses yourself. you should have gone down to under 10% bodyfat and gained a huge amount of muscle. lucky dog being only 16. Workout properly now that you are a teenager and you will have a great foundation for the future. laters pk

Thanks for the replys, I think I will cut down the volume a little and try to stick with 4 big compound exercises a workout. Some one mentioned sprints, and I forgot to add those in here. I did my first IBUR session from the running man article, and it killed me, I think I will alternate between IBUR, 400m, and 40-60m work on “cardio days”. I am thinking about maybe 1 to 2 days a week. The volume is a little high for the amount of calories I will be eating, but since I am so young I rarely get sore, and have high T levels. I’m glad I found this website at the age I did, or I would probably be doing high rep isolation execises and not squatting or deadlifting, because it hurts the back, lol. I know a lot of kids my age think like that.

Hey, congrats for doing some reading and THEN posting some questions! And more congrats for the clarity of your plan to reach your goal!