T Bloodwork Numbers

Hello all, finally got some T numbers back. Waiting for an appointment to talk to doctor. I’m 49 yo male…50 in October, 169lbs, 5’9". Trying to do some workout everyday but tired all the time. Anyhow:
Testosterone: 476 ng/dL (264-916 reference)
Free Testosterone(Direct) 15.5 pg/mL (6.8-21.5 ref)
Estrogens, Total 165 pg/mL (56-213)

Everything seems normal? Thanks!

To the educated, normal doesn’t mean sh**, low normal is normal, but not necessarily healthy normal. These ranges have nothing to do with quality of life. Obviously there’s a huge difference between the bottom and top 25 percentile.

Top 25 percentile reduces risk of prostate cancer by 53% and decreases your risk of dying from a multitude of diseases of aging.

You’re middle of the road Free T levels, so expectations in muscle growth, athletic performance isn’t going to be amazing like when you were in your 20’s.

In reality these Free T levels aren’t that bad, but they’re not optimal either. How you feel is more important than any lab value.

In the hormone world, whenever I see Total Estrogens, it’s a red flag you’re dealing with someone inept. TE is all forums of estrogen, including the weak estrogens. E-2 is the most potent form of estrogen and the only one you need be concerned.

There’s no way any sick care doctors is going to do anything with numbers like these. If you want to optimize your state of health, insurance based care is the wrong place to go.

I suggest something else is causing your symptoms, perhaps a vitamin or mineral insufficiency or deficiency is the cause.

You need a lot more labs, thyroid wouldn’t hurt either.

How is your sleep quality?

Thanks bro! Sleep quality sucks, wake up often but not from apnea just literally wake up and go back sleep (but damn near 10 times). As far as the “total estrogen” my primary doctor did mention taking this first blood test, reviewing it and then some type of second blood test…so maybe that’s when things will get broken down out and more indicators.

His FT is within 10% of my FT on TRT. I don’t think this is a big issue.

@Hollywood20659 Yes you could benefit from more testing to verify there are NOT any issues but yes your initial bloodwork looks very normal.

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Normal I guess for TRT. I’m at 1120@280mg Cypro/wk