
First of all i’d like to say thanks to everyone on here. i’ve been spending the last few weeks doing my reading on here and have picked up a lot of good stuff.

ok now to the meat and potatoes. i’ve been thinking about using steroids for a few weeks now. and all this time i’ve been kinda poking around looking to figure out where i can get my gear and PCT. No problem there, i live in a huge farming area and gear is prolly easier to get here than sudafed at the drugstore.

Unfortunatly the only syringes i can get are at the farm supply store. I read on here somewhere that you need a 1 1/2 inch needle. the ones that i can readily get only have a 1 inch needle. so my question is can i still use these or should i look elsewhere? i guess if i have to i can always inject in my shoulders or quads with these… any ideas would be appreciated

Who ever gave you the idea that you NEED to use a 1.5 inch needle. I only use a 1.5 inch to draw, and even then it isn’t necessary. I use 25g 1 inch needles strictly (quad injections only on my cycle). The only place you probably need a 1.5 is a glute injection.

Hope that helps

I’ve only used a 1.5" a few times for glute shots. But I prefer quad and deltoid shots anyway, so 1" and 5/8" are the way to go for me.

OP, if you still need a broader selection of needles, PM me.

awesome, that was a big sticking point in me going ahead and really planning a cycle. what use would my shit be if i couldnt get it in me? and yeah i was pretty much just thinking about glute injections due to seeing a people say they didnt like quad/shoulder injections due to pain.

one more quick question if i may. i just got a job working as a full time reservist in the ANG. now i know from reading that usually on a piss test the military mostly tests for rec drugs and are more selective towards steroids due to cost. does anyone know if its any different working as a DOD employee instead of under a military command? i know the full time guys end up getting tested a bit more than the guardsmen do…

Shit! I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but I’ve been using 1.5" needles everywhere! Glutes, delts,quads…
Can I be going TOO deep? Second cycle and never had problems Thanks all

Most of those bodyparts should be okay with 1.5", but unless you have huge deltoids, you shouldn’t be using anything that long.

Thanks Contrl, I appreciate the help
Be well my friend,