I’ve recently stopped doing the v-diet (actually, two rounds of V-Diet). Overall, I was pleased with the results and strength gains, even though I was in a serious caloric deficit for nearly 60 days! But, I’ve realized I’m probably shedding some muscle mass now, since my carb intake has been sub-50grams per day for so long. So I need to switch it up and go back to a “regular” diet.
I’d appreciate any input on my switch from the V-Diet to a more natural, higher-carb diet.
Some notes on my progress:
Started at 205 @ 19% BF.
Did a V-Diet for 28 days, took a week off, then did another V-Diet.
Macro breakdown was about 20gm fat, 50gm carb, 350 gm protein / day.
Heavy training ~5-6 days a week.
Fasted incline walking ~6 days a week for 90 minutes.
Ended at 179 @ 13% BF.
Managed to increase my squat to 495, flyes to 70lb, DB tri-press to 105, etc.
Also managed to get tendinitis.
Now, my goals are to keep increasing my compound lifts while packing on as much lean mass as possible, while minimizing fat gains. (Hey, we can all dream, right?)
My new diet plan is:
60-80gm fats, 180-200gm carbs, 250 - 300gm protein.
To say I’m scared to bloat up and lose my newly-defined abs is an understatement. I’m freaking terrified! But, I know I need to get that starchy carb fuel into my system ASAP to build up the muscle again.
I’ve been on this plan for about a week, and I’m already starting to feel a bit bloated and have shot back up to 191lbs. My nutrition is awesome (I work from home so I can snack on the “right stuff” on schedule), but I’m starting to worry that I’m making the wrong move here.
Please, someone stroke my ego and tell me that it’s a good plan!
Haha - thanks PCDude! I read the article this morning, and it’s what prompted me to post. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything critical and shoot myself in the foot.
Let me just say that I went on a low carb diet (less than 60 grams average per day) for 30 days and my sinuses cleared up and my sore joits stopped hurting, and I stopped getting headaches, and feeling tired by 11:00 am, and I started sleeping through the night.
When I loaded up on carbs, for a few days I actually lost weight, I assumed from a ramping up of metabolism, and my skinfolds all dropped over just 2-3 days, but within a week all of my inflammation symptoms came back, I stopped sleeping well. I don’t have high blood sugar either. When I eat starch and sugar my blood sugar comes down to 80 right away.
I am probably going to give up most starch from now on, and average around 60 grams of carbs a day. I get stronger, and never suffer in workouts. I can still have a couple pieces of fruit, and low carb/high fiber tortillas, and even some rice but basically keep my average at 60 over the course of a week. If I use carbs: starches and sugars, it would be for only about 36 hours (post workout, dinner and all meals the next day) after a workout and only about 3-4 times a month, or every 9-12 days.
@Mert - thanks for the input - that’s very interesting. With literally zero carbs my first few days (using no-carb supplements) I noticed the same things - my strength shot up, I had more energy in the gym and out of the gym, slept better, recovered faster…
Weird. Seems counter-intuitive.
Though, I do suspect that my tendinitis is not healing due to the poor nutrition of a low-carb V-diet. Basically, no micro-nutrients has killed my healing ability. But it doesn’t sound like you’re suffering the same effects, probably because you’re eating real foods.
I’m just hoping the carb phase will help me gain some LBM, and then I’ll probably go back to low carbs again like you suggest.
But whether we’re “supposed to”? No, that just implies that the V-Diet is some sort of holy grail. It’s not. I can do whatever diet I want, for as long as I want, if I’m getting the results I’m after.
As a side note, in the second phase I modified the diet to introduce some roughage - greens and salads - occasionally through the week.
[quote]Manga27 wrote: @Mert - thanks for the input - that’s very interesting. With literally zero carbs my first few days (using no-carb supplements) I noticed the same things - my strength shot up, I had more energy in the gym and out of the gym, slept better, recovered faster…
Weird. Seems counter-intuitive.
Though, I do suspect that my tendinitis is not healing due to the poor nutrition of a low-carb V-diet. Basically, no micro-nutrients has killed my healing ability. But it doesn’t sound like you’re suffering the same effects, probably because you’re eating real foods.
I’m just hoping the carb phase will help me gain some LBM, and then I’ll probably go back to low carbs again like you suggest.[/quote]
My basic working theory is that sugar and starch is inflammatory, but having a slightly depleted liver and muscles provides a kind of mop that mops up some of the carbs. Starches and sugars don’t have a lot of micronutrients anyway. I would think inflammation would be due to low fat. If I did the V-diet I’d take 12-18 grams of fish out and 2 servings of superfood extract per day.
[quote]Manga27 wrote:
Well, it’s recommended you take a break.
But whether we’re “supposed to”? No, that just implies that the V-Diet is some sort of holy grail. It’s not. I can do whatever diet I want, for as long as I want, if I’m getting the results I’m after.
As a side note, in the second phase I modified the diet to introduce some roughage - greens and salads - occasionally through the week.
With best regards,
… Christopher[/quote]
Thanks for the clarification, I figured the following meant not to in general vs recommended not too but you didn’t actually do the V-Diet to a tea the second time so if it works it works haha!
"How About Six Weeks?
Q: Can I do the V-Diet for more than four weeks?
A: No. But you may do another V-Diet four to six weeks after you finish the two-week Transition phase. "
Haha, yeah - true! I don’t know if I would have the will-power to do such a strict diet for longer than the recommended 4 weeks, anyway. It’s brutal! LOL
One reason to recover from the V-diet would be hormones. It’s a fat-loss diet, and after the 6 weeks of shakes and slowly increasing HSMs, you’re not in the best place chemically to strip off any more fat. Eat more (clean)food for 6 weeks and when you choose to do another V-diet, it should be more successful than days 31-60 of a double V-diet.
The superfood from the V-diet is probably more micro-nutrients than you eat without using superfood on any given day.
On the diet you’re getting short and medium length proteins, half a million servings of fruits/veggies, and a great source of fat (heavy on the anti-inflammatory DHA). Why is that poor nutrition? The only thing missing is wonderful, delicious, body destroying sugar.
I’ve never seen tendonitis flare up from under-nutrition. I have seen it flare up every single time from over-training and repetitive use without proper self care. Stretch your short muscles and strengthen your over-stretched, inhibited muscles.