Just wanted to say thanks for all the info. on the SWIS symposium. It sounds like a great time was had by all. I would challenge anyone to find a seminar that included so many established/respected names in the business. I look forward to Shugart/Berardi reporting on the event. Anyone go to the Brass Rail???
Great info on sodium WS. Patricia, like I’ve said earlier, more sodium equals more blood volume equals better oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cell. It also results in more efficient removal of lactic acid. It’s a buffer of metabolic acidosis. You will also feel the wrath of the hormone aldosterone if you keep sodium too low for too long. Aldosterone release causes the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys. An interesting fact is that under normal levels of aldosterone, normal people can excrete up to 30 grams (yes grams) a day of sodium. If your aldosterone levels increase, you wont be finding any sodium in the urine at all…and since sodium is positively charged and water is negatively charged, water always follows sodium. So you can see how restricting sodium can cause you to hold water. Anyway, I hope this helps you understand the need for sodium. My usual suggestion is when dieting, get in as much as possible. Pickles are a good choice as is WS’s suggestion. If I can be of more help on this topic let me know.
Just wanted to say thanks. Time is valuable and I appreciate you guys taking time to give us these reports. As for the sodium loading, what do you guys knowabout Skip LeCour? I’m not trying to be a wiseass. Supposedly he’s natural and he speaks very highly of sodium loading. You guys make it sound a lot easier than I thought it would be.