I actually feel frustrated reading about your shoulder issues. I 100% feel, after years of tinkering with my own shoulders, knees, now hip and pelvis etc…that the shoulder precisely because of it’s instability is the joint that should be “easiest” to rehab. Cressey and Hartman are two gurus who’ve rehabbed themselves out of shoulder surgeries that I can cite off the top of my head. I don’t recall anyone rehabbing out of knee or hip surgeries but I could be wrong.
Hope I don’t sound too intrusive, but my .02 is you’ve got to find the right guy to help you.
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
How is your foot feeling after the squats?[/quote]
No problem. Feels a bit awkward in sumo DLs. Probably the way the weight is distributed. Nothing that’s interferring with progress, though.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
I wonder if the good shoulder is sore because you are favoring the “bad” one and making it work harder? Maybe take yourself to your ART guy?[/quote]
Already been. He’s baffled. I think my shoulders are a weak link. I just keep trying.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
Love to hear about your training, whether or not you are proud of the weight. I’m sympathetic as I think that no-one wants to hear about my puny weights either. [/quote]
I’m so thrilled to be back to lifting. The weights are light. But it’s all about the journey. We can only be the best we can be. There’s no shame in that. I may never be in Ouroboro or Lil Power’s league, but it’s not for lack of trying. And as for your log and your journey, it’s always been one of my favorite’s on this site.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
Love to hear about your training, whether or not you are proud of the weight. I’m sympathetic as I think that no-one wants to hear about my puny weights either. [/quote]
I’m so thrilled to be back to lifting. The weights are light. But it’s all about the journey. We can only be the best we can be. There’s no shame in that. I may never be an Ouroboro or Lil Power’s league, but it’s not for lack of trying. And as for your log and your journey, it’s always been one of my favorite’s on this site.[/quote]
it is weird, hey. i feel the same. all you guys are lifting more than me…
i know i’m an oddball… but the weights / numbers still don’t really mean very much to me. i see the effort people are putting forth in their vids and the regular training that they log but the numbers still don’t really mean very much to me. not just because of the kg / pounds conversion either.
since i’ve started the bjj i realize i’m actually quite delusional about my strength and body mass. i think i’m a whole heap bigger than i actually am (which is why i found it odd once i realized that the big guy would actually have crushed me if he relaxed) and the guy i rolled with last time… well i actually paid attention to the weights he was oly lifting last time… and there is no way i can muscle him around even if i try. i mean he is lifting like 3x the weights i am… i still can’t quite believe it…
anyway… i wonder if everyones perception is out?? i don’t know…
[quote]punnyguy wrote:
I don’t recall anyone rehabbing out of knee or hip surgeries but I could be wrong.
I recall the pro wrestler Triple H rehabbed his way out of some leg injury, think it was a quad tear or something. He asked the doc what the chances were and the doc admitted it’d never been done before.
[quote]kimbakimba wrote:
I wonder if the good shoulder is sore because you are favoring the “bad” one and making it work harder? Maybe take yourself to your ART guy?[/quote]
Already been. He’s baffled. I think my shoulders are a weak link. I just keep trying.
Trek to the Bay Area, enjoy the sights and sites, visit Kelly Starrett. (My final .02.)
I’m so thrilled to be back to lifting. The weights are light. But it’s all about the journey. We can only be the best we can be. There’s no shame in that. I may never be in Ouroboro or Lil Power’s league, but it’s not for lack of trying. And as for your log and your journey, it’s always been one of my favorite’s on this site.[/quote]
We have so many similarities. I’m also thrilled to be back in the weight room and lifting without having to sit down and rest between sets. The journey is endlessly interesting.
Trek to the Bay Area, enjoy the sights and sites, visit Kelly Starrett. (My final .02.)
oooh, Kstar? Like the mobilitywod guy? Have you been seen by him? I’d love to do one of my rotations with him, wonder if he’d be cool with that!?
Snap-While I liked hearing about your rehab process, I’m really excited to be reading about your full out training again. Glad to hear things are coming along nicely.
[quote]DeadKong wrote:
By deficit sumo DL, do you mean you are raised above the weight for more range of motion?[/quote]
I find it easier to pull deficits by using small plates. The 25s. But the net result is a longer ROM, yes. When you lift the amounts I do, it works A-okay to just use a bunch of little plates.
Sure, Arachne, I’d be honored to video you. I am working at the meet but can certainly break away to video your lifts. Or find an equally good videographer.