Tren Ace has a 1.4 day HALF LIFE… so EOD is not good for stable levels… as the dose will be considerably less than half the dose you injected on the previous day. this will cause swings in hormone levels increasing aggression, acne and when run alongside an aromatising androgen, gyno too.
ANYway… as i said you COULD do 100mg of Test and 50mg of Tren a DAY… then surely you can work out the dose you could run for an EOD regime.
EO is Ethyl Oleate and is a clear and very thin oil. It is highly likely to be that - it is HIGHLY likely not to be alcohol. I am not flaming you here but you really know very little about these products, so the passing comment from someone else who may or may not know jack (and from what you have said about your using friends and your own choices i don’t think they are the most informed lads - don’t worry, no-one round my way are either) should not be the basis of any assertion. Anyway…
Sustanon should be injected at the very least 3x/wk… not less than twice! It has prop in it, as you probably know - as well as PhenylPropionate which is slightly longer (in action)… so as i said, Mon, Wed, Fri is a good regime for Sust - BUT Tren A really is best used daily, and if you are shooting that daily you may as well do the Sust then too - as more frequent is ALWAYS better whether using an Undecanoate or a no estered drugs.
As i said… for a 700mg Test and 350mg Tren cycle you could inject just 0.9ml a day to dose both! That is sound… i don’t see the problem - 0.9ml wont hurt significantly and will give a great gain in muscle and strength.
If it is sites - as you just use two…
Use the lateral thigh, left and right - that is 2 days there.
Use the glute, left and right - now it is 4. (these could be enough for a daily regime IMO… they are large and the area can be rotated by 1" each time essentially not using the same site more than once a week)
Use the ventrogluteal (search this site for how to inject), left and right - that is six… then repeat.
For 1" being your smallest pin and assuming you don’t want to or can’t get/buy different lengths, then shoot the traps or lats. They are easy to reach and simple to inject. IMO if you can do the rear glute then you can easily do the delt, trap, lat. Biceps are harder as they are so vascular and twitch - so for a relative newbie they can be unnerving.
IF you MUST inject your Sust and Tren EOD… then take the volume/dose i suggested for daily - and do the very simple maths to calculate the dose/volume you need for EOD shots.
The results will be equal to daily, but incidence of sides will be slightly higher IME.
Tren Enanthate or Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate can be used E4D… In fact even Hex would want to be less than E4D assuming that it is around 6 carbon atoms in length… i am losing you now, sorry.
Just inject Tren daily or at the least EOD. Choose the dose you want to use per week (of each drug), then divide the number by 7 and multiply by the amount of days between injections to find your dose increment (so ED is 1, EOD is 2, E3D is 3…).
Usually i wouldn’t help someone with no ability to research - but i know if i don’t you will just go to your mate ‘John’ and start shooting 2ml of Tren Ace E3D sub-cutaneously…
By the way. If you don’t want to waste the prop, add 1ml of prop per 1-2ml of a different pain free product. This will give you a blend that will significantly reduce the pain. IF it was pure alcohol, which i dont think it is - it will still hurt, if it is EO with a ridiculous amount of benzyl Alcohol - which i think it is, it will improve significantly - maybe wholly.
If you mix it at 1:1 with Test E you’d have a 350mg/ml blend with 250mg Test E and 100mg Test P… nice IMO - a cheap version of Sust right there!