Hi Everyone, I am about to run a cycle of
wk 1-10 Susta 350 1ml a week
wk 1-5 Dbol 20 40mg a day
I have clomid for my PCT.
100mg of clomid first day
50mg for 3 weeks
What is your guys opinion on this cycle? Should I get nolvadex for during cycle for the Dbol?
This is my first steroid cycle in over 3 years.
You should get Nolva for your pct. It’s just less likely to cause the nasty sides of Clomid and it works better in general.
February 19, 2019, 2:49pm
I like running test out to 12 weeks. I prefer C or E to Sus and no more than 200mg/ml to avoid serious PIP. Nolva is preferred for PCT but I’ve never had issues personally with clomid. I don’t run AI but have some just in case when I blast.
Thank you ! So the rest looks good ?
What is AI and what do you you mean blast? Sorry I am not familiar
February 21, 2019, 4:38am
You better look that up ASAP… if you are gonna stack test and dbol with its tons of E sides. Other wise you might end up a watery gyno mess.