Question About Sustanon/Deca Stack

It’s been a while since I have been around here. I mostly just read and try to gather as much info as possible. By the way this is a awesome website. But I have a cycle question. I have stumbled across 20ml of sustanon 275mg and 10ml of deca 200mg. I am just trying to figure out how to stack this, some people say not to, some say go for it. What do you all think. Oh by the way here is a bit of history, first cycle 7 years ago deca, dbol cycle, last year I did a sustanon250, winstrol, dbol cycle. So I do have experience. Where I live it is really hard to get gear so any help on my stack would be great thanks.

I dont know u but based on your post your not selling the point that you have done some if at all any research. not a bad first cycle but that is little experience.

Im going out on a limb and guessing you dont have any PCT planned and if you dont disregaurd my next suggestion until u do.

Your Half ass upcoming cycle:

sust275 weeks 1-10---- 550mg/week pinned mon/wed/fri at least or EOD for best results.

deca200 weeks 1-8----- 200mg/week pinned 1-2X per week

INSERT YOUR THOUGHT OUT AND PLANNED PCT PLAN HERE. stasis/Nolva or both, read sticky.

I was gonna go with clomid, its what I have used in the past.

How about putting together a post with all aspects of your cycle in it. Include the compounds, when you are going to inject, how much, length, PCT, and most importantly specs on yourself (age,weight,bf%,goals etc…) In doing this it will give you much more advice than just saying well i have 20ml of deca and sust what do i do now?


Well I was gonna do the cyle that Dave has suggested. I was gonna start Clomid 2 weeks from the end at 30 mg per day and continue it another week after the end of my cycle. If I need it for gyno I will use during the cycle.

A litle bit about myself, I am 29 years old, 5’11" aprox 205lbs with 8-9% bodyfat. My goal is to gain mass, when all said and done my goal is to keep at least 10lbs of lean muscle growth.

I know during the cycle I will blow up to at least 225, I think this is a reasonable goal. I work out 6 days a week. I have been lifting for 9 years off and on. In the past 9 months I have really became serious and finally have my diet and lifestyle on point.

Any input would be great.

[quote]eli wrote:
Well I was gonna do the cyle that Dave has suggested. I was gonna start Clomid 2 weeks from the end at 30 mg per day and continue it another week after the end of my cycle. If I need it for gyno I will use during the cycle.


WRONG! Ok since you dont like to read PCT protocols to teach yourself ill waste my time.

wait 3 weeks after your last shot to start the clomid. run the clomid for 3ish weeks. This will allow for the long esters in the sust and deca do clear your system before u start the SERM. read

Id suggest you learn a bit more regarding AIs and Serms.

As if you start experiencing gyno symptoms and plan to combat them with clomid you have much left to learn.