My father has always been in great shape and pretty damn strong but has recently acquired a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation . He has lost some strength and isn’t in as good as shape. He says he wants something to help boost testosterone and lose fat, but im not really sure if thats what he needs. You guys have any suggestions?
he needs to eat healthy and see a real doctor. Biotest makes great supplements, but it sounds like your dads heart problems are a bit beyond the average nutritional forum
However, Fish oil is good for any individual and has a number of health benefits.
I’ll echo the sentiments above. Get his diet in order (if it already isn’t) and seek professional medical assistance. Fish oil is definitely a good place to start, as Millerizer said. Also, whey and/or casein protein are good too, so long as his kidneys and liver are up to it.
If he is taking anticoagulants fish oil is counterindicated.
However, diet is still the best bet for improving his condition if it can be improved. There is a wide range of causes and levels to which it can have progressed.
You are correct that he should not be taking anything to boost his test or any fat-loss type supplement. His best bet by far is to realize that he must be vigilant with what he eats. That should at least help with the fat and take some of the load of an already stressed organ.
I cannot make any recommendations for strength because you have not given any indications of the severity of the situation. Even if you did, I would be hesitant to recommend anything unless it was a first detected case and he has no other heart issues.
The best bet is to talk to the cardiologists and make it clear that he is willing to go the extra mile (he is right?) to make sure he does not do something to harm himself. This can be relatively minor or extremely serious. Not even an expert in the field is likely able to give you a clear answer over the internet.
If he has issues with his doctor, he can consider a second opinion from another expert in the field.