I think it is pretty clear that I like movies, especially movies about explosions gratuitous big titties running from explosions, really fast cars…exploding, and bad guys bursting into flames. I also go for scary movies, remakes, and more currently, the super hero movies that are trying to bring some old comic books to life.
I undertstand completely that Christopher Reeve wasn’t exactly Lee Haney for any of those late 70’s and 80’s Superman movies…but given the times, not having much muscle was still considered to be muscular. Look at Rocky or Rambo compared to today’s standards of muscularity. I keep wondering why they turn their backs so much on the looks of the comics and go for guys lately, that look like Queer Eye just got done with a make-over.
Brandon Routh is the new Superman for next year’s summer. The sad part is…if most of us can kick Superman’s ass, how the fuck does he stand a chance against Lex Luthor, or worse, the box-office?
You know? I would have thought that this time around, they would have tried to get someone a bit bigger and more muscular for the role. Christopher Reeves did a great job for the time period, but after all the years with the comic books and cartoons showing Superman as being a bigger guy, you’d think they’d do the same for the new movie.
The other movies (X-men, Spider-man, and now…The Fantastic Four!!), seem to have done a pretty good job of finding people that fit the comic book character better as far as finding someone that looks and fits the role (more muscle/size). Not all of them, mind you, but some of them fit better than others (Wolverine, Sabertooth, Colosus, The Thing, etc.).
Reeves looked more “masculine” than that for the time it was released. DC hasn’t exactly been known for turning out hits lately like Marvel has. I guess the new Batman movie will prove whether they still have life or not.
As far as casting, the X-men movies did an incredible job with Professor X and even Wolverine (even though he was greatly lacking in muscularity as well, he made up for it in acting ability). They could have even done better with a few roles…like Storm. For some reason Angela Bassett always seemed like the better choice for that than Halle Berry.
Superman is known for his physical ability. I thought the goal was to present someone who was “hyper-masculine”…not just another pretty boy. While Routh has clearly been to a weight room, he isn’t impressive as Superman in my opinion.
One thing is for sure though, they aren’t wasting time on publicity by releasing movie info before the movie is even completed or in post-production and editing.
Yea, the problem with the Superman costume is it’s not exactly…masculine. So if you aren’t completely ripped, you look like a little boy dressed up for Halloween. It’s hard to take a guy seriously when he wears tights with underwear on the outside and red leather cowboy boots.
[quote]cap’nsalty wrote:
Oh yea, the “I have no traps look because I’m really a pretty boy” doesn’t cut it for superheroes.[/quote]
I think that if any guy ends up with this poster in their office/bedroom/dormroom, they deserve to be beaten, laughed at, beaten again, and dressed like this in public for others to beat and laugh at.
In your estimation who could have made a good superman?
I can’t think of any…except if they buffed up dean cain lol.
Batman i think they found a good guy… that one looks like they’ll pull it off. From the moment I heard about it, I couldn’t see anything they did wrong. (Except his voice but nm that)
[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
In your estimation who could have made a good superman?
I can’t think of any…except if they buffed up dean cain lol.
Batman i think they found a good guy… that one looks like they’ll pull it off. From the moment I heard about it, I couldn’t see anything they did wrong. (Except his voice but nm that)
But from the get-go superman just looks wrong.[/quote]
No, Superman just looks gay…and for Superman, there is something very wrong with that. I agree about the Batman movie and I do want to see it…but this Superman flick seems to be heading into the wrong direction. I think, for one, they should have changed the suit and been more original with the story line. I wouldn’t have complained if they used the Smallville tv series story line for a movie simply because the script for that show is well done and Luthor isn’t a bumbling idiot living under a subway station. I think this may be the death of the superman franchise unless the story is just amazing. Picking up where the last movie ended is a bad idea. Superman IV was crap.
I can’t think of an actor who could have decently pulled it off without gaining another 20-30lbs of muscle. I can’t see this guy teaming up with Batman without Bruce slinging a bat-a-rang around his neck just for looking like this while standing next to a really cool Batman outfit and fucking up the image.
I think Dean Caine did a decent job when he did it…but then, that may have just been because of Terry Hatcher.
[quote]doogie wrote:
Psssst, you’re grown men talking about comic book movies.[/quote]
…and you logged onto the thread and felt it was worth your attention to reply to it. I watch these movies just like the huge amount of the population who does likewise. I assume your entertainment is strictly reading the newspaper and weeding the garden. I have a Playstation 2 as well…care to inform me of anything else you have a problem with?
Just so you know, the average age of PS2 owners is 29. You must clearly be over 50.
I read that Brian Singer wants to tie into Superman II with his new movie, so I guess he coose someone who resembled Christopher Reeve (I mean look at his haircut…). I’ve seen other stills, and he even wore 70s style dorky glasses…
But yeah, judging by the photo, he could have more muscle, but … he still is a guy in a friggin spandex suit; and btw, I agree that Dean Cain really do a good job. Saw him kick ass on American Gladiators once.
[quote]makkun wrote:
I read that Brian Singer wants to tie into Superman II with his new movie, so I guess he coose someone who resembled Christopher Reeve (I mean look at his haircut…). I’ve seen other stills, and he even wore 70s style dorky glasses…
But yeah, judging by the photo, he could have more muscle, but … he still is a guy in a friggin spandex suit; and btw, I agree that Dean Cain really do a good job. Saw him kick ass on American Gladiators once.
Yeah, it is supposed to be the same story line and character from the early 80’s…which I think is a mistake. Dean Cain may have been one of the least feminine portrayals of the character recently. For all of the basketball players with this symbol tattooed on their arms or chest, this doesn’t look good for enforing an image of strength and power. I’m glad I didn’t get the ink done in college like I planned to.
[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
In your estimation who could have made a good superman?
I can’t think of any…except if they buffed up dean cain lol.
Batman i think they found a good guy… that one looks like they’ll pull it off. From the moment I heard about it, I couldn’t see anything they did wrong. (Except his voice but nm that)
But from the get-go superman just looks wrong.[/quote]
I saw the Batman movie last night, and believe me, it was the best Batman movie by far. As for his voice, I think it’s cool how they make Batman out to be a much darker, intimidating character. It is based off the darker of the two Batman comics, after all.
I never really liked the story of Superman until Smallville came out. I’m a big fan of that show. It WOULD be cool if the new Superman movie worked off of that series.
[quote]LocoComoUnZorro wrote:
Xen Nova wrote:
In your estimation who could have made a good superman?
I can’t think of any…except if they buffed up dean cain lol.
Batman i think they found a good guy… that one looks like they’ll pull it off. From the moment I heard about it, I couldn’t see anything they did wrong. (Except his voice but nm that)
But from the get-go superman just looks wrong.
I saw the Batman movie last night, and believe me, it was the best Batman movie by far. As for his voice, I think it’s cool how they make Batman out to be a much darker, intimidating character. It is based off the darker of the two Batman comics, after all.
I never really liked the story of Superman until Smallville came out. I’m a big fan of that show. It WOULD be cool if the new Superman movie worked off of that series.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Terri hatcher
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Kristin Kruek
Yea Superman movie looks gay as spring onions.
They could have buffed up the actual actor from smallville and had a better dude. (Though his acting kinda sucks) as does the writing in that show, but the overall premise is pretty good.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
makkun wrote:
I read that Brian Singer wants to tie into Superman II with his new movie, so I guess he coose someone who resembled Christopher Reeve (I mean look at his haircut…). I’ve seen other stills, and he even wore 70s style dorky glasses…
But yeah, judging by the photo, he could have more muscle, but … he still is a guy in a friggin spandex suit; and btw, I agree that Dean Cain really do a good job. Saw him kick ass on American Gladiators once.
Yeah, it is supposed to be the same story line and character from the early 80’s…which I think is a mistake. Dean Cain may have been one of the least feminine portrayals of the character recently. For all of the basketball players with this symbol tattooed on their arms or chest, this doesn’t look good for enforing an image of strength and power. I’m glad I didn’t get the ink done in college like I planned to.
I have a friend who just did lol.
Of couse he is a spittin image of superman.
6’4 230lbs ripped… died his hair black the resembalance is uncanny.
Well this is Hollywood, where they think “girls don’t like guys with big muscles” and making men feminine makes them more attractive.
On the other hand, I think Superman doesn’t have to be big, since his strength is alien. Batman, however, should be big if he’s to be strong, since he’s just a normal human.
I can’t believe I just wrote that and was totally serious about it.
Besides, how the hell would superman attain hypertrophy, olympic lift train engines? Even that would be too light.
Am I the only one that hates Toby Mcguire? He’s like 102 pounds and is trying to play a superhero who can hurl cars at bad guys and propel jimself through the air like a champion gymnast.
I hate Toby Mcguire, and even worse, can’t think of anyone else better to play Spiderman.
I like the costume it is reminiscent(sp) of the old Fleisher cartoons and the comic from the 40’s, as far as Superman being jacked, he really isn’t, he’s taller than most people, and as Kent he slouches, he’s supposed to have a farm boys build. When Reeve auditioned for the part he was maybe 120lbs and he got bigger just for the role who’s to say this guy won’t that pic prof had was a test shot not anything from the actual film.
Onto Jackman as Wolverine I thought his acting was good however Wolverine is only 5’5"