Superman in Street Clothes .

Just ran across this picture of Brandon Routh at some awards show this past weekend.

240 lbs. my ass. I gotta figure there was special padding they put in that “super suit” to make him look bigger. Either that or he completely stopped lifting since the film, but even then is it possible to lose that much mass?

Check out this pic: It’s pretty bad…

[quote]OARSMAN wrote:
Just ran across this picture of Brandon Routh at some awards show this past weekend.

240 lbs. my ass. I gotta figure there was special padding they put in that “super suit” to make him look bigger. Either that or he completely stopped lifting since the film, but even then is it possible to lose that much mass?

Check out this pic: It’s pretty bad…[/quote]

Ouch, that’s what I looked like in 6th grade, and it was more like 150lbs…

Ouch. I haven’t seen the movie, so I can’t really say how much bigger he was in it. He’s damn small there. A lot of movie stars treat lifting as a part of their “work”, and don’t do it unless they are getting paid to look like they do. Tom Jane, for instance, went from 170 or so to 205 for The Punisher, and then right back down because he said staying in shape wasn’t worth his time if he’s not getting a check. And now he’s doing it again for The Punisher 2.

He was definitely bigger in the movie. I’m sure he lost muscle as a result of going back to not working out and fucking hot chicks.

But also remember he wasnt too big in the movie to begin with.

[quote]PGA200X wrote:
But also remember he wasnt too big in the movie to begin with.[/quote]

Yeah, I know, but this is pretty bad. I mean he looks scrawny here. He can’t weigh more than 200lbs in those pics.

jesus…he does look fucking skinny- and pretty gay with his long hair and earings. who’s the geek next to him wearing the “you are here” t-shirt??

the whole reason I decided not to see the movie… him

[quote]juggernaut wrote:
jesus…he does look fucking skinny- and pretty gay with his long hair and earings. who’s the geek next to him wearing the “you are here” t-shirt??[/quote]


You guys are just haters. Brandon did just work out for the role and then stopped. Most actors do unless it’s a passion for them, i.e. Vin Diesel. You gotta remember they filmed that movie over a year ago. You natural ectomorphs stop working out for a year and see how you look.

(for those of you of think I’m just a fan of his, try to understand my wife went to high school with him and they are friends, so yeah I know a thing or two about him)

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
You guys are just haters. Brandon did just work out for the role and then stopped. Most actors do unless it’s a passion for them, i.e. Vin Diesel. You gotta remember they filmed that movie over a year ago. You natural ectomorphs stop working out for a year and see how you look.

(for those of you of think I’m just a fan of his, try to understand my wife went to high school with him and they are friends, so yeah I know a thing or two about him)[/quote]

Oh shit, he’s friends with Brandon Routh! I just creamed in my pants! Can I be your friend and thus be one step closer to knowing Brandon Routh?

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
You guys are just haters. Brandon did just work out for the role and then stopped. Most actors do unless it’s a passion for them, i.e. Vin Diesel. You gotta remember they filmed that movie over a year ago. You natural ectomorphs stop working out for a year and see how you look.

(for those of you of think I’m just a fan of his, try to understand my wife went to high school with him and they are friends, so yeah I know a thing or two about him)[/quote]

Or, and I’m just throwing this out there, maybe he’s losing wieght for a role (Machinist anyone?).

Unless he was dedicated to pursuing roles where his body would be a big character trait, it probably suits him best that he stopping working out and eating as much.

For the majority of actors looking to have a solid career, it is advisable that they stand out as little as possible in terms of muscle size. This is the reason that I am fucked.

Bulk on.


[quote]Matgic wrote:
Unless he was dedicated to pursuing roles where his body would be a big character trait, it probably suits him best that he stopping working out and eating as much.

For the majority of actors looking to have a solid career, it is advisable that they stand out as little as possible in terms of muscle size. This is the reason that I am fucked.

Bulk on.


It isn’t so much that no one can understand his goals. For me, it is much more that stereotypes are what fuels Hollywood and the media to the point that a muscular guy can’t simply be cast as a doctor or a lawyer without the role having anything to do with his body mass.

I understand fitting the part completely. I know that casting a 250lbs bodybuilder as a homeless guy would be a bad move. However, are there that few of us in society that a bodybuilder can’t simply be “the English teacher” without being typecast as an idiot?

[quote]Professor X wrote:

It isn’t so much that no one can understand his goals. For me, it is much more that stereotypes are what fuels Hollywood and the media to the point that a muscular guy can’t simply be cast as a doctor or a lawyer without the role having anything to do with his body mass.

I understand fitting the part completely. I know that casting a 250lbs bodybuilder as a homeless guy would be a bad move. However, are there that few of us in society that a bodybuilder can’t simply be “the English teacher” without being typecast as an idiot?[/quote]

Yea, there’s very few.

It reminds me of an old high school teacher I had who was a former college basketball player (a damn big guy obviously).

He told us that as soon as he mentioned to people that he was a teacher, everyone used to ask how the gym classes were these days. They never believed him when he told them he actually taught English.

Most people just assume that muscle+idiot. As if it’s so mindless and easy to get jacked.

Speaking of teachers, that reminds me of a lecturer I had in university, Professor and Head of Astrophysics. The dood looked like a powerlifter, massive traps and a huge barrel chest, without the massive gut. The only way you could tell he was a nerd was by the “I Love Mathematics” t-shirts he always wore.

He looked alright in Superman.

You give a fuck now…why?

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
He looked alright in Superman.


That would be YOUR opinion. The more I think about it, the more I think that movie sucked and that they went with the wrong look for that part. I am honestly not looking forward to a sequel. If you wait 20 years to follow up a movie, I would expect more substance to it. That was like a really long commercial designed just to show off a new suit and the logo.

[quote]Kratos wrote:
Most people just assume that muscle+idiot. As if it’s so mindless and easy to get jacked. [/quote]

exactly … There are entirely too many people who don’t know/care to know the actual science behind what it takes. If it was so damn easy then every guy on earth would walk around at, what, in their minds is the perfect physique.