Unsure how to exactly do my PCT even if I know the general guideline.
Goal is to recover as much natural function and never take roids again, not cruise or whatever.
Cycle was delatestryl testosterone enanthate only, 4-5 weeks going up gradually from 65 mg to 250 mg, then 7-9 weeks at 350 mg
0.25 mg ugl arimidex per week for doses below 150 mg, 0.5-0.75 mg up to 250 and approx 1 mg for 350 then 1.25 for the last 2 weeks.
I don’t have hcg, only ugl nolvadex.
-How long do I stop testosterone before starting PCT and from which injection do I calculate (once a week 350 mg vs 100 mg EOD, I do the later)
-Do I taper out testosterone or I just stop abruptly and in how many weeks do I taper out to what dose. What dose arimidex do I use during that time.
-How much weeks do I take nolvaldex and at what dose?
I am 240lbs 6"0 26 years old.