I would say that perhaps you have more than just anxiety? I could not tell you what though… I doubt that even experts can tell you exactly what you have as they can only use what they have learned about to deduce what your issues are.
Also, as far as I can see, from reading, genetics certainly play a big part.
There are considered to be 20,000 to 28,000 genes (traits/desirables/undesirables) in the human genome roughly… So, I always say, ANYTHING is possible.
Therefore, until it’s proven that you something, by proper experts, you would never know for sure.
For instance, I only found about 5 years ago, that one of my male cousins, felt the same way that I did about life… ie. apathetic, nagging feeling of social avoidance in the brain, strong fear of being laughed at, anxiety, insecurity, poor task/project management, compulsive thinking. highly sensitive, procrastinations etc. We sort of fit into the “symptoms” of ADHD - mainly inattentive, but with a bit of impulsivity. He, obviously, has a totally different set of parents, with a totally different upbringing, apart from being a computard… probably due to his “issues” making him socially avoidant and not “getting out there”.
I am note that another cousin was recently in hospital for hypertension, age 35, male, but as he was not a fat roly poly like my cousin or I, I was at a loss to realise why this happened. I know that his parents were decent, probably too easy, in fact.
When I heard about the hospital thing I remembered back to the days when I heard that his father, a builder, just could not rely on him as an employee etc.
Now, along with my knowledge of psychology (not professional though) I deduce that both of my cousins an I, with my mother, have “symptoms” of susceptibility to stress situations, anxieties etc. WHY?
It can only be genetic…
Now, mattlebee wrote about magnesium citrate or gluconate (don’t know about picolinate, if it exists) using 300-400mg. Now, I know that some people are lactose intolerant, some people have enzyme issues which affect their estrogen balances and there are many genetic issues in the world.
So, magnesium is potentially a corrective nutrient, which some people MAY absorb better, depending on their learned eating habits etc…
So, some people may need more… I certainly do not know for sure.
I have 50mg mag. tabs at home as well as 50mg 5HTP. I hoped that the 5HTP would help me with depression symptoms and I took at couple of 500mg doses, which are well above recommended, and I noticed zero difference, as usual, the same as anti=depressants. I did not experiment massively with the magnesium, but did not notice anything, but then, how long do I need to try??? Is this due to bioavailability of the tabs, the quality, the lack of chelation etc, genetics, stressed body, stress hormones causing other issues. Like a needle in a haystack.
The only thing that is for sure, is that I don’t know exactly and no one knows exactly.
I think that all we can do, is try different things and, if they work for us, great…
I know that some people with ADHD (maybe, more so hyperactive) can use cannabis to increase their dopamine (don’t know how it affects other neurotransmitters as it is NOT a perfect science at all)
which apparently increases their ability to focus and shut off those annoying distractions that disturb people with what is currently known to be AD/HD
However, if you ever try that even once, don’t take too much, as it can introduce temporary delusions/voices/noises/psychosis/paranoia, in no particular order, except I think psychosis is at end of the road.
I have never smoked cannabis and would not recommend it… However, maybe trying it once, would calm you down, but then you become reliant and it maybe goes DOWNHILL.
Also, anxiety panic attacks are caused by elevated norephinephrine (noradrenaline in some countries), a stress hormone, which is released when one is faced with a stressful situation, or maybe your brain just overloads on negativity…
If you don’t take any drugs currently (smoked, eaten, drunk etc), then it’s easier to nail the issues down, as you are technically pure minded without any drug effects.
You could be caffeine sensitive as well… the adrenal glands release adrenaline (epinephrine in some countries) in response to the stimulant effect. Caffeine, will give you energy, at a price.
Oh, and, of course (disclaimer lol) there could be many other factors as of yet unknown…
Doctor’s etc should have access to a vast vault of information, but, as you say, drugs drugs drugs… what a shame.
They are there to help everyone, apparently… o.O I certainly believe that some will do their best, but how to find them…
Waiting for other members’ opinions, who have actually tried cannabis, have proven AD/HD etc…experience with magnesium, anxiety management techniques etc etc.
I always welcome discussion and the internet forums are a great thing for that.
Sorry for the long, lecturing post, but it’s the only way I can try to get a point across.