Quick band warmup
A: 45deg Incline DB
5x70s, 5x80s, 3x90s
30deg: 5x90s, 4x95s
95x5: 15deg, flat
-superset with 5 pull ups: 35 total
B: Circuit
6 decline pullover with 24kg KB
6 decline sit up
10 dips
5 Chinups
-3 rounds
Quick band warmup
A: 45deg Incline DB
5x70s, 5x80s, 3x90s
30deg: 5x90s, 4x95s
95x5: 15deg, flat
-superset with 5 pull ups: 35 total
B: Circuit
6 decline pullover with 24kg KB
6 decline sit up
10 dips
5 Chinups
-3 rounds
No Warmup
DL: 120kgx3, 170x1x7 1-5 min active rest w quad/ham/flexor stretching
“Nordic” Momentum Assist GHR x2x3 1 min rest
2x24kg KB Jefferson Curl x3 ss/w 12 xRDL
Overhead Press: 135x3, 140x3
Push Press: 150x6x2
150lb Pendlay Row x5 ss/w 7 Bent Row] x3
Dips x 12 ss/w 8 pullups] x2
Squat: 3x 75,105, 125kg, 1x 135,140,145, 140x1,1,1 cluster, 125x3x3
Rev Step-up: 75kg x5 (R) ss/w 5 pistol squats, L
Chins/Dips: 5/6, +25× 4/6, [+50× 3/6]x2
Dips +75 x 4, 6 BW Chins
6 Pullups/ 8 Incline lat raises/DB Inc/ 6 Inc curls
75s x 4 @45deg, x4 @30deg, x6 @15deg, x15 flat
3 sets facepulls ss/w tri ext
Clean>3 Front Squat: 135, 145, 155, 185
Front Squat: 3 x 205, 1 x 215, 225, 235 x1,1,1 cluster , 245, 255, 265, 270, 275
Back Squat: 275 x 3x3, 255 x5