[quote]derek wrote:
And those cancer specialists at UCLA were ILLEGAL immigrants I suppose? [/quote]
Maybe some. But really the disturbing thing about that observation is that American’s are not doctors because our science education is largely failing. Doctorate level degree holders are, across the board in sciences and engineering, more and more not Americans. Good way to become a Thirld World nation in a hurry.
Probably not. But many of the patients doctors see at county hospitals in Los Angeles, and everywhere else, are on welfare and food stamps and–get this–they are American citizens.
Plenty of citizens do this too. Might have something to do with the cozy relationship between insurance lobbyists and government such that the rates are ridiculous now even for good drivers.
Call me a commie but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that people should get “free” health care. I mean if I can pay for it myself, I’m going to. But I don’t exactly mind if some small fraction of my tax dollars pay to save a life somewhere for someone who can’t afford it. I mean if you came across someone bleeding in the street you probably wouldn’t demand money to help them first.
The reality is that far more of your tax dollars are going to support the healthcare of other Americans–be it through Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security payments. The fraction going to the treatment of illegals is not so large in comparison.
If we’re being pragmatic here–the illegals are working, the recipients of this other aid are usually not. So I don’t know why you’d have a problem with working people as opposed to non-working people.
For instance, I’m sure a great many of the super obese–you know those 500+ lb folks that need the cranes to lift them out of the house–are supported by tax payers. I’m more concerned about supporting lazy, gluttonous Americans that giving vaccines to the kids of folks who are picking my strawberries.
Oh yeah, access to health care is a public health issue. I don’t want some illegal immigrant with bird flu to not go to a doctor because he’s afraid he’ll get deported. Keep everyone else healthy so I don’t die from an infectious disease sounds like a good policy.
They pay sales taxes, so they contribute to state coffers. We’re not even supposed to have a federal income tax to begin with, so they’re not really any different than citizen tax resisters. They also have to pay all the same stupid taxes to subsidize telephone companies and the like when they get utility services. So they’re not paying for the war. Big fucking deal.
Oh yeah, did you know corporations don’t pay their fair share of taxes. Not to mention the super rich. I don’t see why you think it’s cool for the wealthiest to shirk their tax obligations and place the burden on the working class, but you have a problem with the very poorest not paying taxes.
This is also an incredibly stupid argument because these people generally make so little that they’d be getting refunds on their taxes anyway. They’d basically be paying social security taxes to support our elderly population–but they’re often already sending money home to support their own elderly. Sounds reasonable to me. Hell, I don’t even want to pay social security. I can’t blame them.
No, usually if you have money in this country you don’t have to play by the rules. The government doesn’t have to play by the rules. Coporations don’t play by the rules. But it is typical when there is class strife that the ruling class turns the middle classes against the poorest classes. You’re falling for the oldest trick in the book. Your enemies are the ones running the media telling you where to vent your anger all while picking your pockets clean.
No doubt there is a lot of stupidity involved with the immigration process and thinking about immigration. The solution is really mind numbingly simple–give out x number of worker visas per year which are subject to taxes, and the visiting workers get a limited set of services.
And I’ll agree that pandering to immigrant groups by teaching schools in Spanish and shit like that is absurd. They come over, they learn English, like every generation of immigrants to this country before them. Sounds reasonable, no?
But really, as far as issues we ought to worry about, this is pretty trivial. There’s much bigger fish to fry in the sea.