[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
[quote]Matan.Kadim wrote:
Hey guys!
First time writing here.
After going through a lot in this site I saw that CT is a really open-minded coach, that has experience working with Crossfit athletes.
I am trying to build a template of a strength program that will allow me to combine 2-3 conditioning workouts sessions a week plus some work on my olympic lifts.
I am not a competitive athlete, at least not yet, but even if I do plan on competing it will not be anywhere near regionals level.
Simply looking to get stronger, more conditioned and to basically move better and keep progressing out of the love of the sport.
Thanks for the help![/quote]
For a crossfit competitor (a good base model for what you want to accomplish) the number of metcon and strength sessions varies depending on where there are in the year (close to a big competition or not).
In your case “off-season” Crossfit model is probably better.
At that point there is more strength work and a little less emphasis on metcon.
My crossfit athletes normally do something like this:
Monday: Longer metcon session (20-25 minutes) + mobility + prehab (lower traps, rotator cuff)
Tuesday: Olympic lifting (2 snatch exercises, 1 clean & jerk exercise) + short metcon involving olympic lifting complexes
Wednesday: Bodyweight skills + short metcon using bodyweight skills
Thursday: Olympic lifting (2 clean & jerk exercises, 1 snatch exercise) + short metcon involving olympic lifting complexes
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Lower body strength work
Sunday: Upper body strength work
CT - what are your faworite bodyweight Medcons?