I am a strength athlete who has no interest in gaining weight. I have a few cycle under my belt but they usually end up in weight gain, I haven’t cycled for a year to lose weight and I am trying to design a cycle which will result in only strength gain.
My former cycles were usually 400mg Test, 300mg EQ for 8-12 weeks with a dbol frontload, pretty basic. I have also used 300mg prop/300mg tren.
A friend has designed the following cycle for me, please let me know if it is too light or too heavy (ie not enough drugs to facilitate strength/recovery increase, or too much resulting in weight gain).
The length is between 6-8 weeks (I often cut tren cycles short…)
125mg Test Prop
250mg Tren Acetate
125mg Masteron
35mg Anavar
Let me know what you think. I know its a light cycle, and the test is very low, but I really blow up on test I am trying to take just slightly more than natural levels. Also keep in mind I am not huge; I am 6 feet, 200 pounds, 6-7 percent BF. I am attempting to keep weight under 205.