[quote]RedElephant14 wrote:
First, a little background on myself:
41 y/o, 6’, 178lbs, 32" waist, 16" arms, so basically a medium build guy wanting to put on about 20 to 30 more lbs.
Ok, enough of that. I was having a discussion with a guy at my gym about supplements and my next attempt at bulking up a little more. He was saying that he doesn’t understand why people would want things like supplements. His advice was to take about 200mg/day of Primo and 20mg/day winny for four weeks on and 4 weeks off until I reach my target.
His logic was that the gains would come 10x faster and that these are very mild steroids that require no PCT and can be taken orally (drink the winny). I can test my liver if I want after each cycle and, as such, there is virtually no risk.
Now, I don’t know much about steroids but after spending many hours reading about these, he seems to be correct.
What do some of you guys think?
Thanks for your help,
– Lonnie
well, he’s kinda right…i get the impression that he was giving you adice on the situation, not speaking generally.
the reason why people take supplements, is that it gives them more of an edge, without actually using AAS (and breaking the law). in the US, AAS are a class III controlled substance, which makes it a felony to mess with them. so a more casual or newer lifter would use supps instead…also, once you use steroids (which are much more potent than most supps), it’s hard to go back. one would want to grow as much naturally as possible and put off using AAS until it’s a “last resort”
the cycle he suggested is pretty similar to the short cycle theory that some of the guys are using here, which is actually a pretty decent idea. even using Primo and Winny together should be relatively synergistic…
however, winny does affect the liver, and it’s wise to do PCT after every cycle, regardless of the length.
how long have you been lifting for? for you, this might not be a bad cycle, but i’d suggest researching more, and hear what the other guys have to say…check out the Newbie Steroid thread…